#1. Introduction
Madoko is a fast javascript Markdown processor written in Koka It started out as a demo program for the new, strongly typed, Koka language and the name comes from “Markdown in Koka”.
Madoko can both be run local as a command-line program, or as a full online experience on Madoko.net with storage and collaboration through dropbox or github.
The online editor can also edit files on the local disk, or run LaTeX locally, using the madoko local program.
#1.1. Madoko philosophy
The main design goal of Madoko is to enable light-weight creation of high-quality scholarly1 and industrial documents for the web and print, while maintaining John Gruber's Markdown philosophy of simplicity and focus on plain text readability.
The popularity of Markdown is not accidental, and it is great for writing prose: it is super simple and straightforward to create good looking HTML documents. But for more serious use Markdown falls short in several areas, and Madoko provides many essential additions for larger documents:
- Extensive support for labeling and in-document references.
- Tables with custom borders, column alignment, multicolumn spans, colors etc.
- Great citation support, using standard BibTeX entries with
either BibTeX styles (
) or Citation Language styles (.csl
). - Excellent support for advanced mathematics () (and powerful packages like TikZ and PSTricks) with scalable vector images (SVG) in web pages.
- Great integration where one can use any LaTeX style or package, and any LaTeX document styles, like the ones provided by most publishers.
- Excellent support for static syntax highlighting and transformation of code fragments.
- Automatic numbering of sections, figures, examples, etc.
- Title page and table-of-contents generation.
- Support for user defined custom blocks, like
, etc. - Styling for both HTML and LaTeX output through standard CSS attributes and CSS metadata rules.
- Powerful document transformations through replacement rules.
- Create great presentations for both the web and in print.
- Compatible with most common Markdown extensions, such as footnotes, mathematics, attributes, etc.
Moreover the online editor Madoko.net supports:
- Full online editing, previewing, and document generation.
- Seamless sharing and collaboration with other authors through dropbox and github; it is very easy to work together on a document where changes are continuously merged.
- Full support for mathematics and bibliographies through server-side LaTeX; no need to install LaTeX yourself.
- This is an HTML5 app and also works offline. With the madoko local program you even access local files on disk, and run LaTeX locally.
Instead of a plethora of backends, Madoko concentrates on generating either HTML or high-quality PDF files through LaTeX. There has been a lot of effort in Madoko to make the LaTeX generation robust and customizable while integrating well with the various academic document- and bibliography styles. This makes it great for writing articles using just Madoko and get both a high-quality print format (PDF) and a great looking HTML page. Look at this scientific article for an example:
or this slide-show presentation:
Also, you can look at the PDF and source of this document. In the future, we plan to support e-books through the ePub format too.
Here are some other (large!) examples of complicated documents, click on the links to edit the document directly in Madoko.net:
- The anatomy of programming languages: A large part of the AoPL book by Prof. Dr. William Cook.
- Software model checking with IC3: A math-heavy presentation for the VTSA summer school 2014 by Dr. Nikolaj Bjørner and others.
- The Madoko reference manual: This document by yours truly.
#1.2. License
Madoko is a javascript program (written in Koka) that runs on Node.js. Madoko is free software available under the Apache 2.0 license at madoko.codeplex.com. Madoko uses various other open-source libraries, see Appendix A.11 for a full list.
#2. Installation and usage
The recommended way to use Madoko now is online on Madoko.net in combination with Dropbox or Github to store your files and collaborate and share with other users.
Nevertheless, Madoko works great as a command line tool as well, and it is good to have a solid backup. The easiest way to use Madoko is as a command line tool is by using Node.js (which works on many platforms, like Windows, MacOSX, Linux etc). Madoko can also run inside a web browser or as a .NET executable. Installation under Node.js is very easy:
- Ensure you have Node.js installed on your system (and ensure that the
Node installation directory is in your
). - Open a command line window and run the Node package manager to install Madoko:
npm install madoko -g
and you are done. Translating a markdown document is done simply as:
madoko -v mydoc.mdk
which generates mydoc.html
. The -v
flag gives more verbose output.
To also generate a PDF file, use:
madoko --pdf -vv --odir=out mydoc
where --odir
puts all output files in the out
directory. To generate
a PDF, you need to have LaTeX installed on your system, which is also
required for mathematics and bibliographies. We recommend the
full TeXLive LaTeX system as it is available for Windows, Linux and
MacOSX, and is used on the Madoko.net server as well.
For PDF output, we added an extra verbose flag in order to see any warnings LaTeX produces. A full description of all command line options can be found in Appendix A.1.
#3. Syntax: Inline elements
Madoko is fully compatible with basic Markdown syntax and passes the entire test suite. It also implements most extensions, like Github flavored markdown, PanDoc, Markdown Extra, and multi-markdown, and it adds quite a few features itself to make it really useful for writing academic and industrial documents.
We assume that the reader is familiar with basic markdown syntax.
In Madoko, tab's are considered to be equivalent to 4 spaces. It is therefore best to configure your editor to view tabs as 4 spaces wide or documents may look off.
#3.1. Emphasis
Enclose words in asterisks (*
) or underscores (_
) to emphasize them.
Use double asterisks or underscores for strong emphasis:
Here is _some emphasis_, or using *asterisks*.
Or use __strong emphasis__, or like **this**.
Here is some emphasis, or using asterisks. Or use strong emphasis, or like this.
#3.2. Code
You can include pre-formatted text in regular text using back-quotes
For emphasis, use the `<strong>` tag in HTML.
We can use back-quotes by using multiple ``back`quotes``.
For emphasis, use the <strong>
tag in HTML.
We can use back-quotes by using multiple back`quotes
Section 4.8 discusses code in more detail including syntax highlighting.
#3.3. Sub- and super-script
Using tilde (~
) and hat (^
), you can format inline text as sub- and super-script respectively.
Inside script, no white space is allowed to prevent mistakes. If you need white space you
can still use an escaped space (\
Here is how you write H~2~O or E=MC^2^.
Please use escapes for~longer\ script~.
Here is how you write H2O or E=MC2. Please use escapes forlonger script.
#3.4. Strike-out
Enclose anything in two tildes and it will strike out the content:
There is a ~~strike out~~ here.
There is a strike out here.
#3.5. Smart quotes, symbols, and direct links
Madoko will quote smartly using proper open and closing quotes for anything
enclosed in single quotes ('
), double quotes ("
), or French quotes (<<
and >>
"double quoted"
'single quoted'
<<guillemot quoted>>
“double quoted”
‘single quoted’
«guillemot quoted»
Note that text enclosed in <
and >
brackets gets interpreted as direct
link. Madoko will only smart quote single quotes if the last quote is not directly
followed by a letter. This often prevents wrong quotation with words like “can't”:
'really, I can't do this', he said.
I can't and mustn't do this.
‘really, I can't do this’, he said. I can't and mustn't do this.
Madoko will also replace multiple dashes and dots to a proper symbol:
Please distinguish a minus sign, -, from the _en dash_ which
is used to separate spans or pages, like 1--20, and the
_em dash_ which is even longer and sometimes used for
quotation attribution. --- Oscar Wilde.
Three dots ... should be close together.
Please distinguish a minus sign, -, from the en dash which
is used to separate spans or pages, like 1–20, and the
em dash which is even longer and sometimes used for
quotation attribution. — Oscar Wilde.
Three dots … should be close together.
#3.5.1. Advanced: changing quotes
When replacing quotes, Madoko just inserts the right entity, like
an “
for a left double quote (“). As described in Section 5.2
we can redefine entities, and use that to change the quotes. For example,
in some obscure countries, like the Netherlands, people like to start a
quotation at „the bottom” instead. You can get this behavior
by adding the following metadata rule:
ldquo: „
Or Japanese style:
lsquo: [「]{font-family:"MS Gothic"}
rsquo: [」]{font-family:"MS Gothic"}
ldquo: 『
rdquo: 』
to single quote 「like this」
#3.6. Links
Madoko has three kinds of links, reference links, inline links, and direct links. The inline links have the linked text between square brackets and the URL follows between parenthesis, while direct links are simply enclosed between angled brackets:
Here is a link to [Google](http://www.google.com).
Or as a direct link: <http://www.google.com>.
Here is a link to Google. Or as a direct link: http://www.google.com.
Generally, reference links are preferred. Here, the link is defined separately after the body of text such that it looks less cluttered:
Here is a link to [Google] again.
We can also [Change the text][Google].
[Google]: http://www.google.com "Google"
Here is a link to Google again. We can also Change the text.
Note how [Google]
is simply a shorthand for [Google][Google]
. The title in
double quotes in the link definition is optional. Link definitions do not
have to follow the text immediately and can be defined anywhere in the
#3.7. Images
Images are included using a regular link prefixed with an exclamation mark (!
A butterfly: ![bfly].
[bfly]: images/butterfly-200.png "A Monarch" { width: 100px }
A butterfly: .
This example also shows the use of attributes (Section 5.3.1) where
we can specify the width
, height
, vertical-align
, zoom
and tranform-rotate
attributes of the image.
Insert File
menu to include images, or just drag&drop
them directly into the editor. Just watch the file size as images
larger than about 1Mb are rejected by the Madoko server.#3.7.1. Image formats
Sometimes different backends require different image formats. Often
for PDF output, a .pdf
or .eps
image is preferred while this format
is not supported in the HTML backend. It is possible to provide images
in multiple formats – for convenience, the HTML backend will by default
try to load a .png
image if a .pdf
or .eps
image is specified.
More generally, you can provide selection pattern as a comma separated list in the image url, for example:
This specifies three available images where each backend chooses one based on the best results for that backend. The default extensions that are supported by each backend in order of preference are:
- html:
. - pdf (latex):
#3.8. Footnotes
Footnotes are written as regular link definitions prefixed with a hat (^
character. This is the syntax originally proposed by John Gruber.
Here is a footnote[^fn].
[^fn]: This is the content of the example footnote.
You can continue a footnote by indenting content.
And notice the back link.
Here is a footnote2.
#3.9. Escape sequences
If you want to use a special character directly without a special Markdown
meaning, precede it with a backslash (\
). For example, to use a star (*
without causing emphasis, you can write \*
Madoko will never escape a letter or digit and always keep the backslash, so
becomes “\a” while \&
becomes just “&”. Thus, you can safely write
windows style file names without needing an escape:
Would you like c:\foo\bar to be deleted? Yes\No.
Here are some other escapes: \\, \#, \*, \|, and \0.
Would you like c:\foo\bar to be deleted? Yes\No. Here are some other escapes: \, #, *, |, and \0.
This approach is different than that of Markdown which only escapes a specific set of characters, while Madoko escapes everything that is not a letter or digit. The advantage of the approach of Madoko is that this is easy to remember, while trying to remember a specific set of special escape characters is near impossible. This is similar to the PanDoc approach to escape sequences.
#3.9.1. Special escapes
Some characters are translated specially when escaped.
If you escape a space (\
), it is translated as a non-breakable space, while
a backslash at the end of a line causes a hard line break to be inserted. The
latter is recommended over using the standard Markdown way of using two spaces
at the end of a line because it leaves visual clue that a line break occurs.
Here is non\ breakable space and a hard\
line break with a \* star.
Here is non breakable space and a hard
line break with a * star.
Finally, the escape sequence \/
translates to nothing; this can be very
useful to separate certain constructs. For example, emphasis is suppressed
if the underscores appear inside a word, as in my_example_here. Using the
empty escape sequence we can emphasize inside words too: to get
myexamplehere, we can simply write my\/_example_\/here
#4. Syntax: Block elements
#4.1. Headings and rules
Headings are written by prefixing with one or more hash characters (#
# A level one heading
## A level two heading
### A level three heading
###### Up to level six
It is also possible to write level one and level two headers using
a line of three or more equal (=
) or dash (-
) characters:
A level one heading
A level two heading
But hash-headings are generally preferred since a three or more dashes (or underscores or asterisks) are also used for horizontal rules:
and below the line.
and below the line.
#4.2. Identities and labels
Madoko has extensive support for numbering and referencing elements in a document.
Elements are given an identity using attributes (see Section 5.3.1).
For example, here we give an identifier myheading
to a heading:
### A named heading { #myheading }
And we can refer to it
* Using an explicit [link](#myheading)
(or [reference][#myheading]).
* Or using an implicit link to Section [#myheading].
* Or we can just see its label, namely &myheading;.
Using an implicit link is generally recommended. When type setting a reference such as Section 4.2.1, Madoko automatically inserts a non-breakable space between “Section” and the reference3. Unlike LaTeX there is no need to insert such non-breakable space yourself.
Of course, we can refer to any element that has an identity, like equations, figures, tables, etc. Here is an example with an equation (see Section 4.10):
An implicit link such as [#myheading]
is a shorthand for an explicit link of
the form [&myheading;](#myheading)
, i.e. a local reference
to #myheading
which displays the entity &myheading;
. In Madoko, an entity
name like &myheading;
is replaced by the label
value of the referred block (see Section 5.2).
For headers, this is by default the header number
(as we will see in Section 5.5) but you can set any label you'd
like. Using a minus (-
) in the attributes clears all attributes, which is
used in the following example to suppress the default numbering:
### An unnumbered heading { - }
### A labeled heading { -; id: myheading1; label: "my label" }
Let's refer to Section [#myheading1].
Also, any local link, like "Section 4.2.1“ or a citation like
”[2]", displays a tooltip when hovering above it. The tooltip content
is determined by the caption
attribute of the target element.
For headings, this is by default the heading text.
(or @
). You can also press
to invoke auto-completion explicitly.#4.3. Figures and Table Figures
Figures can be included using the Figure
custom block (see Section 4.13):
Figure [#fig-monarch] shows how to put an image in a figure.
~ Figure { #fig-monarch; caption: "A Monarch butterfly." }
The ![monarch] image.
[monarch]: butterfly-200.png { width:100px; vertical-align:middle }
Figure 1 shows how to put an image in a figure.
The image.
A figure can be given an identity and referred to just like headings. The
attribute gives the caption of the figure which is also used in
the table-of-figures. A Figure
can have a page-align
attribute that
can be set to top
, bottom
, topbottom
, page
, here
, forcehere
and inplace
. This is ignored in the HTML output but used in LaTeX to
influence where a figure is placed on a page. The .wide
attribute is
used in LaTeX to have figures span both columns in a two-column document
Besides regular figures, there is also the Table Figure
element for
Table [#tab-sample] shows an example table figure.
~ TableFigure { #tab-sample; \
caption: "Modelle mit unterschiedlich geschätztem baseline hazard"; }
| | $c(t)$ ||||
| |---------|---------|---------|---------------------|
| | (A0) | (A1) | (A2) | (A3) |
| | ohne | Log | Polynom | Stückweise konstant |
| Log likelihood | -6.798 | -6.733 | -6.715 | -6.686 |
| Pseudeo $R^{2}$ | 0,048 | 0,057 | 0,059 | - |
| AIC | 13.615 | 13.489 | 13.456 | 13.483 |
| BIC | 13.711 | 13.594 | 13.580 | 14.009 |
| N | 105.484 | 105.484 | 105.484 | 105.484 |
{ .booktable }
Table 1 shows an example table figure.
(A0) | (A1) | (A2) | (A3) | |
ohne | Log | Polynom | Stückweise konstant | |
Log likelihood | -6.798 | -6.733 | -6.715 | -6.686 |
Pseudeo | 0,048 | 0,057 | 0,059 | - |
AIC | 13.615 | 13.489 | 13.456 | 13.483 |
BIC | 13.711 | 13.594 | 13.580 | 14.009 |
N | 105.484 | 105.484 | 105.484 | 105.484 |
#4.3.1. Advanced: sub-figures
You can also place multiple sub-figures inside a figure using the
and SubFigureRow
blocks. Here is an example:
~ Begin Figure { #fig-subfigs; caption:"Examples of sub figures." }
~ Begin SubFigureRow { vertical-align: bottom }
~ SubFigure { #fig-subfig1; caption:"A butterfly" }
~ SubFigure { #fig-subfig2; caption:"A matrix"; }
~~ Math
A_{m,n} =
a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \cdots & a_{1,n} \\
a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \cdots & a_{2,n} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
a_{m,1} & a_{m,2} & \cdots & a_{m,n}
~ End SubFigureRow
~ Begin SubFigureRow
~ SubFigure { #fig-subfig3; caption:"A textual subfigure" }
One more sub-figure with some text.
~ End SubFigureRow
~ End Figure
We can refer to the Monarch sub-figure [#fig-subfig1] just like any other figure.
We can refer to the Monarch sub-figure 2a just like any other figure.
(a) A butterfly |
(b) A matrix |
One more sub-figure with some text.
(c) A textual subfigure |
#4.4. Lists
Unordered lists are created simply by using an asterisks (*
), plus (+
or dash (-
) as item markers preceded by an empty line (or otherwise
it is considered part of a paragraph):
* Banana
* Bread
- white
- whole grain
* Basil
- Banana
- Bread
- white
- whole grain
- Basil
Each item marker must be followed by a space. You can created ordered lists using numbers followed by a dot and space. Also long list items can be wrapped by indenting the text for each item:
1. An ordered list example.
With some longer items.
2. An another item
with more text.
- An ordered list example. With some longer items.
- An another item with more text.
Normally, the content of each list item is just treated as text and not as a paragraph. If there are any blank lines in the entire list, each item is typeset with a surrounding paragraph which makes the list a bit looser for HTML output:
3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus.
3. Vestibulum enim wisi,
viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.
3. Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit.
Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus.
Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.
Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit. Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.
Note how the specific numbers used in the list do not matter, except that the first item determines the start number of the enumeration.
For ease of formatting, unordered lists get a class assigned corresponding to their first bullet:
- A bullet
gets classlist-star
(default display as •). - A bullet
gets classlist-plus
(default display as ∎). - A bullet
gets classlist-dash
(default display as –).
This can be used in CSS or Latex to customize how the bullets are displayed.
#4.5. Definition lists
Definition lists are used to define terms. Each term must fit on
one line and is followed by one or more definitions. Each definition
starts with one or two spaces followed by a tiled (~
) or colon (:
Each definition must be indented by four spaces.
Abstract syntax
~ The conceptual structure (illustrated by the pictures) is called
the abstract syntax of the language.
Concrete syntax
~ The particular details and rules for writing expressions as strings
of characters is called the concrete syntax.
~ Perhaps some other meaning too?
- Abstract syntax
- The conceptual structure (illustrated by the pictures) is called the abstract syntax of the language.
- Concrete syntax
- The particular details and rules for writing expressions as strings of characters is called the concrete syntax.
- Perhaps some other meaning too?
Madoko has an extension to also allow definition lists to be specified
where each term started with as a regular *
list and each definition
with a colon :
* Abstract syntax
: The conceptual structure (illustrated by the pictures) is called
the abstract syntax of the language.
* Concrete syntax
: The particular details and rules for writing expressions as strings
of characters is called the concrete syntax.
- Abstract syntax
- The conceptual structure (illustrated by the pictures) is called the abstract syntax of the language.
- Concrete syntax
- The particular details and rules for writing expressions as strings of characters is called the concrete syntax.
The advantage of using this style of definition lists is that it makes your document more portable: when a simpler markdown processor is used, such list will still render somewhat nicely as:
- Abstract syntax : The conceptual structure (illustrated by the pictures) is called the abstract syntax of the language.
- Concrete syntax : The particular details and rules for writing expressions as strings of characters is called the concrete syntax.
#4.6. Block quotes
Block quotes are written just as in email using >
angle brackets:
Let's start a block quote:
> Of life's two chief prizes, beauty and truth,
> I found the first in a loving heart and the
> second in a laborer's hand.\
>    --- Khalil Gibran
Let's start a block quote:
Of life's two chief prizes, beauty and truth, I found the first in a loving heart and the second in a laborer's hand.
— Khalil Gibran
Just like lists, block quotes can be nested and contain other block elements.
#4.7. Columns: putting blocks next to each other
Using the Columns
and Column
custom blocks we can put block elements
next to each other on a page. Use the width
attribute to control the
width of each column. Any columns without width
are evenly divided over
the remaining space.
~ Begin Columns
~ Column { width:40% }
Here is a long paragraph.
Here is a long paragraph.
Here is a long paragraph.
Here is a long paragraph.
Here is a long paragraph.
Here is a long paragraph.
Here is a long paragraph.
~ Column
A butterfly ![bfly]
~ Column { width:5em}
~~ Center
$e = mc^2$.
~ End Columns
Here is a long paragraph. Here is a long paragraph. Here is a long paragraph. Here is a long paragraph. Here is a long paragraph. Here is a long paragraph. Here is a long paragraph. |
A butterfly |
. |
#4.8. Code blocks
You can write preformatted code simply by indenting the code with a tab character or at least four spaces. For example:
<a href="foo.com">a link in html</a>
<a href="foo.com">a link in html</a>
Another way to write code is to used fenced code blocks. These start with at
least three backticks (`
) and goes on to the first line containing the
same number of backticks. Moreover, you can include the language name after
the backticks:
``` html
<a href="foo.com">a link in html</a>
<a href="foo.com">a link in html</a>
#4.8.1. Syntax highlighting
As we can see from the previous example, Madoko will automatically perform
(static) syntax highlighting for any code fragment that has the language
set. For a fenced code block, Madoko automatically adds the language
when the language is specified.
Internally, Madoko uses the Monarch library to do syntax highlighting.
This means that also the PDF output through LaTeX will be fully highlighted
(oh what a joy to no longer having to remember the vagaries of the listing
package). The standard library contains some default
language definition, like Java, JavaScript, C#, HTML, Ruby, and Python.
A Haskell keyword like `instance`{language:haskell} can be highlighted inline.
Or some Ruby code block:
``` Ruby
# ruby pi - how to calculate pi with ruby.
num = 4.0
pi = 0
plus = true
den = 1
while den < 10000000
if plus
pi = pi + num/den
plus = false
pi = pi - num/den
plus = true
den = den + 2
puts "PI = #{pi}" # calculated value of pi
A Haskell keyword like instance
can be highlighted inline.
Or some Ruby code block:
# ruby pi - how to calculate pi with ruby.
num = 4.0
pi = 0
plus = true
den = 1
while den < 10000000
if plus
pi = pi + num/den
plus = false
pi = pi - num/den
plus = true
den = den + 2
puts "PI = #{pi}" # calculated value of pi
If you use a particular language a lot in your document, you may want to set it as the default language using a metadata rule. For example:
pre,code {
language: JavaScript;
If you want to disable syntax highlighting for a particular code fragment,
you can set the language key to empty. To disable highlighting completely,
set the Highlight
metadata key to False
For HTML, it is also possible to use dynamic syntax highlighting with the Prettify library, see Appendix A.6 for more information.
#4.8.2. Escaped code
Madoko allows you to escape back to inline Madoko syntax inside code
by bracketing inside \(
and \)
. This can be nice to insert
special looking symbols in the code while maintaining full automatic
syntax highlighting for all the surrounding code:
``` javascript
function sqr( x ) {
var \(π\) = 3.141593;
return x*x /* ensures \(_result_ $\ge$ 0\) on return.*/
function sqr( x ) {
var π = 3.141593;
return x*x /* ensures result 0 on return.*/
This is especially powerful in combination with replace attributes (Section 5.6). For example, in this document, we have the following metadata rules:
pre,code {
replace: "/==>/\(⇒\)/g";
which makes it easy to insert an implication symbol in code:
Look at implication (1) in the following code:
function implies(x,y) { x ==> y } \((**1**)\)
Look at implication (1) in the following code:
function implies(x,y) { x ⇒ y } (1)
Each escaped piece of code is wrapped in a code-escaped
This can be used to for example render all escaped text in a serif font:
.code-escaped {
font-family: serif;
Finally, you can use the .noescape
class to suppress escaping within a
code block.
When encountering a replaced piece of text, the syntax highlighter treats
it by default as whitespace. It is possible to specify though what characters
the syntax highlighter sees using the bar format: \(
where highlight is used for the purpose of syntax highlighting (and alignment)
and replacement is the replacement text in the output.
For example, to colorize our implication symbol as a keyword, we can do:
Look at highlighted implication (1) in the following code:
function implies(x,y) { x \(return|⇒\) y } \((**1**)\)
Look at highlighted implication (1) in the following code:
function implies(x,y) { x ⇒ y } (1)
#4.8.3. Advanced: Pretty code alignment
When writing high quality articles containing code fragments, it often
looks best when using a proportional font instead of monospace. However, it becomes
hard to align the code properly in such cases. Madoko offers a special
mode for advanced code alignment inspired by the excellent lhs2tex
tool by Andres Löh.
We use a proportional font, but everything preceded by 2 or more spaces
is aligned properly:
``` Haskell { .pretty }
data Exp = Number Int
| Add Exp Exp
| Subtract Exp Exp
| Multiply Exp Exp
| Divide Exp Exp
| Variable String -- added
deriving (Eq)
We use a proportional font, but everything preceded by 2 or more spaces is aligned properly:
data Exp = Number Int
| Add Exp Exp
| Subtract Exp Exp
| Multiply Exp Exp
| Divide Exp Exp
| Variable String -- added
deriving (Eq)
Even though the font used is proportional everything which is preceded by 2 or more spaces is aligned. If something is indented more, there is some default indentation being added. For example:
``` haskell { .pretty; replace: "/->/\(->|→\)/g"; }
substitute1 :: (String, Int) -> Exp -> Exp
substitute1 (var, val) exp = subst exp where
subst (Number i) = Number i
subst (Add a b) = Add (subst a) (subst b)
subst (Subtract a b) = Subtract (subst a) (subst b)
subst (Multiply a b) = Multiply (subst a) (subst b)
subst (Divide a b) = Divide (subst a) (subst b)
subst (Variable name) = if var == name
then Number val
else Variable name
substitute1 :: (String, Int) → Exp → Exp
substitute1 (var, val) exp = subst exp where
subst (Number i) = Number i
subst (Add a b) = Add (subst a) (subst b)
subst (Subtract a b) = Subtract (subst a) (subst b)
subst (Multiply a b) = Multiply (subst a) (subst b)
subst (Divide a b) = Divide (subst a) (subst b)
subst (Variable name) = if var == name
then Number val
else Variable name
Note that we used a replacement expression to replace arrows with their
proper symbol. To make alignment and syntax highlighting work properly,
we used the bar format. In this case we wrote \(->|
which makes the
replacement count for 2 characters for alignment purposes (and uses ->
for the syntax highlighter). In LaTeX the samples generally align very
The following snippet shows how the above example is rendered in LaTeX:
Finally, for really pretty code, it generally helps to add more replacements. For example, here is a sample from the lhs2tex manual:
``` Haskell { .pretty; \
replace:"//->/\(->|[→]{.serif}\)//\\(?![()])/\(λ\)//g"; \
replace:"/_(?=[a-zA-Z])/\(_|&lowline;\)/g"; \
replace:"/([a-zA-Z])(\d)\b/\(\1~\2~\)/g"; \
rep_alg = ( \_ -> \m -> Leaf m
, \lfun rfun -> \m -> let lt = lfun m
rt = rfun m
in Bin lt rt "hi"
replace_min t = (cata_tree rep_alg t) (cata_tree min_alg t)
rep_alg = ( λ_ → λm → Leaf m
, λlfun rfun → λm → let lt = lfun m
rt = rfun m
in Bin lt rt "hi"
replace_min t = (cata_tree rep_alg t) (cata_tree min_alg t)
In LaTeX this sample is rendered as:
Note that to improve the rendering, we added replacements for underscores inside
identifiers with &lowline;
and subscripted digits that end an identifier. Also,
we replaced right arrows and lambda bindings. See Section 5.6.2
for more information about complex replacements.
#4.8.4. Advanced: Customizing highlight colors
The syntax highlighter for a language assigns specific class names to each token. Using these classes we can customize how they are displayed. The standard class names that are often used include:
, operators
, keyword
, string
, escape
, commentdoc
, constant
, entity
, tag
, info
, warn
, debug
, regexp
, attribute
, value
, namespace
, header
, type
, invalid
, code
, codekeyword
, typevar
, delimiter
, variable
, meta
, bold
, and italic
To customize the appearance we can just use a CSS rule
in the metadata section where we combine a token class name with .token
.token.identifier { font-style: italic }
.token.string.escape { color: gray }
For identifiers in pretty code (Section 4.8.3),
the token rendering is determined in combination with the .ptoken
@if tex {
.ptoken.keyword { font-family: sans-serif }
#4.8.5. Advanced: Custom syntax highlighting
Madoko can actually load syntax specifications dynamically to perform
syntax highlighting. For example, suppose you are a blogger that is writing
about the new Javascript module proposal, and you would like
to highlight the new module
or export
Unfortunately, regular Javascript highlighting does no such thing:
// Javascript 5 modules
module Math {
export function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
export var pi = 3.141593;
In Madoko, you can add your own syntax highlighter quite easily. First, register your new language definition in the metadata:
Colorizer: javascript
Colorizer: javascript5
Because we are going to extend javascript
, we also mention that language.
Now you need a file javascript5.json
which will contain the new language
definition as JSON:
{ "name": "javascript5",
"extend": "javascript",
"extraKeywords": ["module","export","import"]
This is generally all that is needed in most situations, but if you like to get fancy, there is extensive documentation about writing syntax extensions.
Et voilà, with our new language definition we can properly highlight our previous example:
``` javascript5
// Javascript 5 modules
module Math {
export function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
export var pi = 3.141593;
// Javascript 5 modules
module Math {
export function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
export var pi = 3.141593;
As an aside, note that colorization is done statically by Madoko, and not dynamically when a user views your document (and therefore, it works in LaTeX/PDF too).
There are many built-in languages in Madoko, and you can look
at their JSON definitions. Here are a few:
C++(named cpp
etc. If you write your own JSON description, you can simply
include it yourself through the Colorizer
metadata key.
#4.8.6. Advanced: taking over code blocks
It is possible to ‘take over’ code blocks and use them for example for mathematics. For example, here is how to make all code blocks use pre-formatted math (Section 4.10.7):
pre,code {
input: mathpre;
Moreover, you can selectively only take over different kinds
of code. Use .code
n for inline code with n quotes, and
, pre-fenced
, or pre-fenced
n, for indented or
fenced code blocks (with n quotes).
For example, here is how to use a default language only for
indented and double quoted (``
) code:
.pre-indented,.code2 {
language: koka;
#4.9. Tables
Madoko significantly extends the table syntax of basic Markdown. In particular, it is easy to add horizontal or vertical lines, to control cell alignment, use multiple column spans, colorize rows, etc. The basic rules for formatting a table are:
- Every line of the table should start and end with a
) and columns are separated by|
) too. If you need a|
character in cell content, use an escaped bar instead (\|
). - Every row can be on one line only, and there can be no blank lines.
- The table can optionally start with one or more header rows.
- A cell can span multiple columns by using multiple bars to end the cell, like
in the previous example. - The table should always have a column specifier row that separates
the header from the body of the table (or marks the start of the body in case
there is no header). The content of each cell in the separator is just
dashes (
) or tildes (~
Here is an example of a plain table from "Just a Theory".
| id | name | description | price |
| 1 | gizmo | Takes care of doohickies | 1.99 |
| 2 | doodad | Collects *gizmos* | 23.80 |
| 10 | dojigger | Foo | 102.98 |
| 1024 | Self-explanatory, no? || 0.99 |
id | name | description | price |
1 | gizmo | Takes care of doohickies | 1.99 |
2 | doodad | Collects gizmos | 23.80 |
10 | dojigger | Foo | 102.98 |
1024 | Self-explanatory, no? | 0.99 |
The column specifier row is the second row in the previous example, and it determines column alignment and vertical lines in a table:
- Columns can be aligned by using a
in a separator row column: one on the right or left aligns to the right or left, while a colon on both sides will center the column. - If a column specifier uses a plus (
) instead of a bar (|
) to separate the column, a vertical line is used to separate the columns. To distinguish the use of a+
for a table instead of as a list item, there should be no whitespace following a+
when used this way! - If a column specifier cell uses dashes
, a horizontal line is drawn. By using tildes (~
) instead, no line is drawn for that column specifier cell.
In the next example, we suppress the horizontal line after the header, but add some vertical lines. Also, we use two header rows.
| grouped || | |
| id | name | description | price |
+:~~~~~|:~~~~~~~~~~:| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~:+
| 1 | gizmo | Takes care of doohickies | 1.99 |
| 2 | doodad | Collects *gizmos* | 23.80 |
| 10 | dojigger | Foo | 102.98 |
| 1024 | Self-explanatory, no? || 0.99 |
grouped | |||
id | name | description | price |
1 | gizmo | Takes care of doohickies | 1.99 |
2 | doodad | Collects gizmos | 23.80 |
10 | dojigger | Foo | 102.98 |
1024 | Self-explanatory, no? | 0.99 |
to reformat tables (or paragraphs) and align all columns.
Also, pressing enter
in a table will add a new row (use ctrl-enter
use a regular line break if needed).#4.9.1. Horizontal rules
We can draw horizontal rules in a table by using a row where
every cell just contains dashes (-
). By using equal signs (=
we get a double horizontal line. Here is a
a table with no header and an outer border:
| centered gizmos || Takes care of doohickies | 1.99 |
| 2 | doodad | Collects *gizmos* | 23.80 |
| 10 | dojigger | Escaped \| and \+ | 102.98 |
| 1024 | thingamabob | Self-explanatory, no? | 0.99 |
centered gizmos | Takes care of doohickies | 1.99 | |
2 | doodad | Collects gizmos | 23.80 |
10 | dojigger | Escaped | and + | 102.98 |
1024 | thingamabob | Self-explanatory, no? | 0.99 |
And finally a complex table with all kinds of alignment, multiple column spans and horizontal rules – imagine trying to draw this example table in HTML or LaTeX without consulting the manual.
| ------ | ----------------- | ------------------- | ------ |
| id | name | description | price |
| 1 | gizmo |||
| | -----------------------------------------------|||
| 2 | doodad | Collect *gizmos* | 23.80 |
| ====== | ----------------- | =================== |--------|
| 1024 | thingamabob | Self-explanatory | 0.99 |
| ------ | ----------------- | | ------ |
id | name | description | price |
1 | gizmo | ||
2 | doodad | Collect gizmos | 23.80 |
1024 | thingamabob | Self-explanatory | 0.99 |
Note how we started the previous table with a horizontal line, where the column specifier row is on the third line.
#4.9.2. Long tables
If a table is expected to be long and cross multiple pages, the table
should be followed by an attribute declaration that sets the breakable
attribute to true
. This is used in LaTeX output to switch to a
environment which supports tables that can be broken over
multiple pages.
#4.9.3. The width of columns
We can specify the width (and other attributes) of a column by adding an attribute specification in the column specification row. In the following example, we use a column of fixed width, and one of a relative with with respect to the overall width of the table.
| centered gizmos || Take care of doo hickies | 1.99 |
| 2 | doodad | Collects *gizmos* | 23.80 |
| 10 | dojigger | Foo | 102.98 |
| 1024 | thingabob | Self-explanatory, no? | 0.99 |
centered gizmos | Take care of doo hickies | 1.99 | |
2 | doodad | Collects gizmos | 23.80 |
10 | dojigger | Foo | 102.98 |
1024 | thingabob | Self-explanatory, no? | 0.99 |
#4.9.4. Colors
Often we need to colorize certain rows or columns for clarity.
Just like width
we can specify a background color for a column
in the column specifier row.
Moreover, we can specify after the table more attributes that
can style the table further. In particular, any attribute can
have the prefix tr-
or col-
to apply to rows or columns respectively.
Furthermore, tbody-tr-
and thead-tr-
only apply to body or head
rows. Moreover, you can follow the prefix with a modifier,
, odd-
, last-
, or n-
, to apply only to even, odd,
the last, or the nth row or column. Finally, the prefixes
and td-
can be used for cell elements in the header or
body. The following example shows this in action:
| ---- | -------------- | ------------------------ | ------ |
| id | name | description | price |
| centered gizmos || Take care of doo hickies | 1.99 |
| 2 | doodad | Collects *gizmos* | 23.80 |
| 10 | dojigger | Foo | 102.98 |
| 1024 | thingabob | Self-explanatory, no? | 0.99 |
{ tbody-tr-odd-background-color:Gainsboro; \
tr-even-background-color:Floralwhite }
id | name | description | price |
centered gizmos | Take care of doo hickies | 1.99 | |
2 | doodad | Collects gizmos | 23.80 |
10 | dojigger | Foo | 102.98 |
1024 | thingabob | Self-explanatory, no? | 0.99 |
Colors are standard CSS colors and can be specified as described in Section 5.3.2.
#4.9.5. Book tables
For producing high quality tables, there are some general guidelines that need to be observed, in particular, it is considered good practice to:
- Never use vertical rules in a table, and,
- Never use double horizontal rules.
To make tables look good in this manner, we generally need rules
of varying thickness to distinguish the top rule, from the mid- and bottom
rules in a table. By using the .booktable
class, the rule widths
and rule separation is set automatically. Here is an example from
the Booktable package documentation:
An example of a 'book table':
| --------------- | ----------- | --------------- |
| Item || |
| \/------------- | ----------- | |
| Animal | Description |  Price ($) |
| :-------------- | ----------- | --------------: |
| Gnat | per gram | 13.65 |
| | each | 0.01 |
| Gnu | stuffed | 92.50 |
| Emu | stuffed | 33.33 |
| Armadillo  | frozen | 8.99 |
| --------------- | ----------- | --------------- |
{ .booktable }
An example of a ‘book table’:
Item | ||
Animal | Description | Price ($) |
Gnat | per gram | 13.65 |
each | 0.01 | |
Gnu | stuffed | 92.50 |
Emu | stuffed | 33.33 |
Armadillo | frozen | 8.99 |
Note how we used the empty escape sequence \/
in front of
the second dashed row in the header, or otherwise Madoko would interpret
that row as the column specification row. The .booktable
ensures more vertical space between the rules, and a heavier top, mid-,
and bottom rule. The exact styling is specified using a (built-in)
metadata rule which is shown in Appendix A.10.
#4.10. Mathematics
Madoko documents can include mathematics in standard LaTeX syntax.
Generally, inline math should
be typeset between $
characters, while block equations should use the
block syntax.
A famous equation is $E = mc^2$, but another famous one is:
~ Equation {#eq-gaussian; caption:"The Gaussian equation" }
\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-a x^2} d x = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}}
and we can refer to Equation [#eq-gaussian] like any heading.
A famous equation is , but another famous one is:
and we can refer to Equation (2) like any heading.
Block equations can also be included use the Math
custom block which
is just like the standard LaTeX display environment (using $$
). However, the Equation
block is preferred as it takes care of
numbering, and alignment. See also Section 4.13 on custom
blocks that support mathematics, like Theorem
, Lemma
, Proof
, etc.
Madoko does not support the \(
, \[
, and $$
commands to enclose
mathematics since those are escape sequences in Madoko.
Sometimes inline equations between $
signs can get quite long.
In Madoko you can use newlines and put a long inline formula on
multiple lines using LaTeX comments to end the line:
A long $E = %continue on next line
mc^2$ formula.
#4.10.1. Plain math and alignment
Equations are generally numbered but sometimes we just want to display
a mathematical equation without a number. The Math
environment does just
~ Math
Often, we also need to align formulas or display them on multiple lines.
Instead of using the environments align
and gather
, we should
use the environments aligned
and gathered
instead: the former are used in
outside math mode and the latter are used when we are already in
math mode (which is the case in Madoko). The aligned
environment aligns
formulas using an ampersand &
~ Equation { #eq-alignment; caption:"Alignment example" }
f(x) &= a x^2+b x +c & g(x) &= d x^3 \\
f'(x) &= 2 a x +b & g'(x) &= 3 d x^2
Note that if you do this a lot, you can easily create our own Aligned
block using the following metadata rule:
Aligned { replace:"~Math&nl;\begin{aligned}&nl;&source;&nl;\end{aligned}&nl;~" }
In that case, you can write simply:
~ Aligned
f(x) &= (x+a)(x+b) \\
&= x^2 + (a+b)x + ab
#4.10.2. Using packages
By default, Madoko supports most of the AMS mathematics commands, i.e.
, amsfonts
, and amssymb
. However, sometimes you need specific
packages. You can import more packages using the Package
metadata key. For
example, we can include the amscd package,
Package: amscd
to draw commutative diagrams:
~ Equation { #eq-commuting; caption:"A commuting diagram" }
S^{{\mathcal{W}}_\Lambda}\otimes T @>j>> T\\
@VVV @VV{P}V\\
(S\otimes T)/I @= (Z \otimes T)/J
As a hint to understand the previous example, note that @VVV
denotes a downward arrow,
a right pointing arrow with a label j
on top, and @=
a long equality.
Here is an example of the more modern xypic package which we included in this
document with the curve
Package: [curve]xypic
With this package, we can draw more complex diagrams.
~ Equation { #eq-cat; caption:"Category theory" }
\xymatrix @-0.5em{
U \ar@/_/[ddr]_y \ar@/^/[drr]^x
\ar@{.>}[dr]|-{(x,y)} \\
& X \times_Z Y \ar[d]^q \ar[r]_p
& X \ar[d]_f \\
& Y \ar[r]^g & Z }
As a hint to understand the above code, note that \ar@/_/[ddr]_y
denotes an arrow,
left curved (@/_/
), going down, down, right ([ddr]
), with a label y
underneath. See the package user guide for more examples.
#4.10.3. Math commands
For math-heavy documents, it is convenient to define LaTeX commands for
common operations. Such command definitions can be directly understood by LaTeX
but need to be handled specially if the math is rendered dynamically in a HTML page.
Madoko defines the custom block MathDefs
to support mathematics definitions
transparently across modes:
~ MathDefs
\newcommand{\infer}[3]{#1 \vdash #2\,:#3}
We infer $\infer{\Gamma}{e}{\tau}$ for such expression $e$.
We infer for such expression .
Often it is convenient to put all such definitions in a separate .tex
file and
include it in the document as:
~ MathDefs
#4.10.4. Mathematics in HTML
To typeset mathematics in HTML, Madoko can either typeset the math statically or dynamically:
: In the default static mode, Madoko uses LaTeX to generate static SVG (or PNG) images for each formula. This is generally preferred because pages load fast, and it requires no javascript. The drawback is that you need to have LaTeX installed on your system (or use Madoko.net). See the metadata section for more information on fine-tuning static mathematics. -
: Madoko uses the MathJax JavaScript library to render the math on the client-side. This means you do not need LaTeX but it is generally quite slow for math-heavy documents and not all of the LaTeX commands and packages are available. This mode can be enabled in the metadata as:Math Mode: mathjax
The metadata section contains more information on customizing MathJax.
You can view and experiment with the different rendering modes in the online mathematics rendering demo.
#4.10.5. Advanced: Generic LaTeX snippets
Besides just mathematics, you can include arbitrary LaTeX snippets using the
custom Snippet
block. This makes it possible to use powerful packages
like TikZ and PSTricks.
For the following example, we use PSTricks:
Package: pstricks
Package: pst-plot
to typeset a the graph of the natural logarithm4:
~ Center {padding:1ex}
~~ Snippet
\pscircle*[linecolor=red](! Euler 1){3pt}
(! Euler 0)(! Euler 1)
{->}(! Euler 1)(0, 1)
\uput[-90](! Euler 0){\color{red}$e$}
\psplot[linewidth=1pt]{0.2}{3}{ x ln }
The next two figures, Figure 3 and Figure 4 use the modern TikZ/Pgf package which we included as:
Package : tikz
Tex Header : \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing%
Both examples come from the TikZ example gallery.
The pgfplots
library is an extension of TikZ/Pgf to display plots:
Package: pgfplots
Drawing plots can be done either using math formulas or by giving direct data points:
Using the `pgfplots` package we can draw nice plots:
~ Snippet
% math plot
\addplot {-x^5 - 242};
% data plot
\addplot coordinates {
Using the pgfplots
package we can draw nice plots:
The final examples in Figure 5 also use the pgfplotstable
Package: pgfplotstable
to display bar charts.
#4.10.6. Advanced: Efficiency of math rendering
Madoko is quite optimized to render mathematics efficiently, especially
for math heavy documents which can easily contain thousands of small
mathematics fragments. Madoko carefully processes only those fragments
that need recompilation. If needed you can give the -r
flag to rebuild
everything from scratch (or say Rebuild: True
in the metadata).
Usually, Madoko uses xelatex
to generate a dvi (.dvx
) file, and then
uses dvisvgm
to extract a scalable vector graphics (SVG) image,
automatically taking care of proper baseline alignment. There are some
cases where dvisvgm
fails to extract a proper image – mostly for
snippets that combine postscript and TikZ output drivers in ;
If you have trouble first try to update Madoko to the latest version
and also the dvsisvgm
In many cases it can work to render snippets through pdflatex
the following metadata key (which was used for this document):
Math Latex Full: pdflatex
Sometimes snippets contain fragments that take a long time to
process, in particular for certain TikZ programs. Madoko therefore has two
independent modes, plain
and full
. By default Madoko uses for all regular
mathematics the plain
mode, and for snippet
's it uses full
mode. This
makes the preview more responsive when editing plain mathematics.
Certain snippets cannot work with plain dvi at all and need to be extracted as PNG files from a PDF file. In such cases, Madoko will use ImageMagick's Convert program to extract images. However, this is not done by default since this method is both much slower than extracting from a dvi file, and PNG images.
#4.10.7. Advanced: Preformatted math
LaTeX math mode is great for regular mathematics but not so good if one tries
to preserve whitespace or uses longer identifiers. This is actually quite common
for computer science documents where mathematics is mixed with program code.
Madoko supports a MathPre
custom block that makes preformatted math much
easier to typeset. In particular:
Whitespace is preserved and spaces are replaced with a medium space (
) command (except when the spaces directly follow a LaTeX command). Indentation is done through a\mathindent
command, while line breaks are automatic with a\mathbr
command. -
A name (consisting of letters and digits) is typeset in a
command so it will look like instead of (note the spacing between the and for example). -
If a name ends with digits, they are typeset as subscripts, where
becomes . -
A name starting with an
character is typeset using a\mathkw
command, where@return
becomes . -
Any text that is an argument of a
xx or\math
xx command, where xx is one oftt
, orbf
, is kept unchanged. Also any name starting with a#
character is kept unchanged. -
Ampersands can be used to align text.
Using this convention, we can easily typeset program code using nice symbols.
~ MathPre
@function sqr_\pi( num :int ) \{
@return (num {\times} num \times{} \pi)
Here is an example of aligned text which also demonstrates the use of replace
Section 5.6):
~ MathPre { replace: "/->/\rightarrow/g" }
random &: () -> ndet double;
print &: string -> io ();
error &: \forall\langle\alpha\rangle\ string -> exn \alpha;
Of course, you can often achieve a similar effect by using good
replacers with .pretty
code directly (Section 4.8.3):
``` koka { .pretty; \
replace: "//->/\(->|→\)//</\(<|⟨\)//>/\(>|⟩\)//g"; \
replace:"//\bforall\b/\(forall|∀\)//\balpha\b/\(alpha|α\)//g"; }
random : () -> ndet double;
print : string -> io ();
error : forall<alpha> string -> exn alpha;
random : () → ndet double;
print : string → io ();
error : ∀〈α〉 string → exn α;
#4.10.8. Setting all code to preformatted math
If you want to typeset all math using preformatted math, you can actually ‘take over’
the standard math blocks in Madoko and set the input of those to mathpre
For example:
.math-inline,.math-display {
input: mathpre;
These set both display- and inline-math to the mathpre
input mode.
#4.11. Table of contents
Generating a table of contents is easy, just include the special element
anywhere in your document and it will expand to a table of contents.
You an use the metadata value Toc Depth
to set how many levels deep the
table of contents goes (by default 3).
You can also a create a list of figures or tables by using [TOC=figures]
respectively. This will list
all the ~Figure
or ~TableFigure
block elements.
element comes with a heading by default, namely
Contents, Figures, and Tables. The names can
be customized using the metadata entities (§ 5.2)
, name-figures
, and name-tables
#4.11.1. Advanced: Custom tables of contents
Custom tables of contents can be generated using the toc
attribute. The
attribute specifies the depth of the element (by default 1), while
the toc-line
specifies the contents of the line displayed in the table of
contents. For example, using metadata rules we can generate a
table of contents for equations:
equation {
toc: equations;
toc-line: "&label; &caption;";
Here we assume that the user adds a caption
attribute when denoting
equations (which will get expanded inside the toc-line
). We can then render
the table of equations anywhere in the document as:
## Equations { -; toc:clear; }
#4.12. Bibliography and Citations
One of Madoko's main design goals is to enable the creation of high-quality scholarly articles. As such, Madoko integrates closely with BibTeX and Citation Style Language (CSL) styles to generate bibliographies and references in a document.
You can simply use any existing BibTeX bibliography file (.bib
) to
describe all your references. You can
specify which bibliography files are to be used using Bib
(or Bibliography
) metadata entries:
Bib: ../mybib1
Bib: mybib2
file into the editor to include
it in the document.A bibliography file consists of all your references in the BibTeX format, for example:
@BOOK{ Knuth:TeX,
author = "Knuth, Donald E.",
title = "The {\TeX} book",
publisher= "Addison-Wesley",
year = 1984
You can view the bibliography file for this document here. There is also a nice table at Wikipedia that shows all possible document types and field types.
Entries in the bibliography files can now be referenced using semi-colon separated references, for example
Note that unlike LaTeX there is no need to explicitly insert an unbreakable space between the text and the citation, Madoko automatically takes care of this (as described in Section 4.2). If necessary, you can also include extra text for each entry:
When Madoko finds such references, it writes them to a .bib.aux
(together with the needed bibliography files) and processes them to
generate a bibliography. The generated bibliography entries are included
in your document using the special [BIB]
Note that a [BIB]
element comes with a standard heading with the
name References. You can customize this by setting the
#4.12.1. Bibliography styles
The style of the bibliography entries is determined by a bibliography
style. Madoko can use both standard BibTeX styles (.bst
) and
standard Citation Language Style styles (.csl
). An advantage of using
CSL styles is that there are thousands available online and
that they are processed internally in Madoko without needing to run
CSL styles are included with the Csl Style
Csl Style: Taylor-and-Francis-Chicago-Author-Date
When using Madoko on the command line, you need to put the
file in the document directory so it can be
found by Madoko. There are three styles that come standard with Madoko. These
styles handle cross references nicely and also handle DOI and URL fields
well. The standard styles are:
- madoko-numeric: The default style which is a numeric style that closely follows the plainnat style if
- madoko-numeric-short: Similar to the previous style but follows abbrvnat with initialized authors and abbreviated terms.
- madoko-natural: Similar to the numeric style but for author-date style citations.
file in the editor pane to include it in the
document.When a CSL style is read, the citation style is automatically adjusted to reflect the CSL style, e.g. natural citations for author-date styles, or numeric citations for a numeric style.
Even with a CSL style, Madoko still expects the bibliography as a BibTeX .bib
file – this is mostly because .bib
files are so convenient to write and maintain
and Madoko fully supports modern extensions like the eprinttype
or eprint
However, if needed, one can also supply a .json
file with CSL bibliography entries
instead of a .bib
file (by default, Madoko will actually generate such CSL bibliography
from a .bib
file in the output directory).
Instead of a CSL style, Madoko can also use any standard BibTeX style:
Bib Style: plainnat
Madoko uses an internal LaTeX parser to format the bibliography entries in Markdown. It can handle things like special characters and accents quite well and recognizes many formatting commands. Even though it is sufficient for bibliography entries in general, the Madoko LaTeX parser may not work for more fancy LaTeX commands in bibliography entries. However, we strive to make it work for any bibliography style and entries, so please file a bug report if you encounter situations where it does not work correctly.
BibTeX bibliography styles tested with Madoko include the following author-year
styles: apa
, apalike
, plainnat
, abbrvnat
, unsrtnat
, newapa
, named
, agsm
, dcu
, kluwer
, astron
, bbs
, cbe
, humanbio
, jtb
, apsrev4-1
, aipauth4-1
and others.
Also, the following numeric styles
have been tested: eptcs
, abbrv
, plain
, ieeetr
, acm
, unsrt
, siam
, apsrmp4-1
, aipnum4-1
and others.
Since tools like BibTeX and Madoko make numbering and linking automatic, it
is generally preferred for modern documents to use a numeric citations style.
#4.12.2. Citation styles
The citation style determines how citations are shown in the
document. It defaults to a numeric style, or the style set by a
CSL style, but can be set explicitly using the Cite Style
metadata key:
Cite Style: natural
Valid citation styles are natural, sqnatural, textual, super, and numeric (default). The natural and textual style use author-year style citations, while the super and numeric styles use numbers.
natural | (1994; , 1984) , | (default for author-year citations) |
sqnatural | [1994; , 1984] , | |
textual | 1994); (1984) ( | |
numeric | [4, 5] | (default for numeric citations) |
super | 4,5 |
Note that numeric citations are sorted (and compressed) by default. Also
full author-year style citations only work with CSL styles, and with
BibTeX styles that support this, i.e. generally any style that works with
the natbib
package like plainnat
. With author-year citations we can
use modifiers to change how the citation is shown. For example, assuming
a natural style:
[@Goo93] | (1993) , | Natural |
[+@Goo93] | (1993) , | Long – all authors |
[-@Goo93] | (1993) | Short – just year |
Moreover, if you leave out the brackets, you force a textual style:
@Goo93 | 1993) ( | Textual style |
+@Goo93 | 1993) ( | Long – all authors |
-@Goo93 | 1993 | Short – just year |
!@Goo93 | Just authors |
In a numeric style, most of these attributes have no effect and all the bracketed cases are displayed as "[2]“. For the four cases in textual style, we get ”2]“, ” [2]“, ” [2“, and ”".
See Appendix A.3 on how to customize citations styles further,
and Appendix A.4 on how to write your bibliography entries
by hand without using a [BIB]
#4.12.3. Bibliography tooltips and searches
By default, the HTML backend shows a tooltip when hovering over a citation
(try it [2]). This functionality is by default disabled in the LaTeX
backend. However, you can enable tooltips in PDF too by setting the
class through a metadata rule:
~a: .tex-tooltip
This will display a small yellow text balloon in the PDF file that shows a tooltip when hovering above it:
Moreover, Madoko adds to each bibliography entry a magnifying glass icon
that links to a web search for that reference. You can customize the search
engine that is used by setting the Bib Search Url
metadata key:
Bib Search Url: www.google.com
If you set the Bib Search Url
to false
(or empty), Madoko will disable search icons.
Again, this functionality is disabled by default in the LaTeX backend unless you
set the Bib Search Url
key explicitly
#4.13. Custom blocks
Madoko custom blocks are similar to the div
element in HTML and allow the
use of custom block elements that can be styled and processed in a particular
way. A custom block starts on new line starting with one or more tildes (~
optionally followed by the block name and attributes. It ends at the first
line containing the same number of tildes that started this block.
~ Note
Here is a note.
~~ { font-style: italic }
And some italic text in an unnamed block.
Note. Here is a note.
And some italic text in an unnamed block.
Note that blocks with the same number of tildes do not nest, e.g. the following is wrong:
~ Note
~ Equation
e = mc^2
since the Note
will end at the first lonely tilde, not the second one.
As an aside, git flavored markdown uses three or more tildes for fenced
code blocks. Since Madoko uses tildes for custom code blocks this cannot be
used and Madoko only supports the more popular back-ticks (```
for fenced code blocks.
Custom blocks work especially well with metadata rules (see Section 5.4) where we can define attributes that get applied to every occurrence of a custom block. For example, we could define the metadata rule:
slanted {
font-style: oblique;
and then every occurrence of a Slanted
custom block would be typeset in a
slanted font.
~ Slanted
Here is my slanted custom block
Here is my slanted custom block
The “number-of-tildes” rule to delimit custom blocks is convenient and works
fine when nesting a small number of custom blocks, but for long blocks or
deep nesting, this can easily lead to confusion. To alleviate this, a custom
block can also start with one or more tildes, followed by Begin
Such block continues until a corresponding number of tildes is found followed
by End
blockname. It is recommended to use this form of blocks for
example in metadata rules
~ Begin Slanted
~ Begin Note
Here is a slanted note.
~ End Note
~ End Slanted
Note. Here is a slanted note.
#4.13.1. Predefined custom blocks
Madoko defines quite a few common custom blocks. Their exact definitions can be found in Appendix A.10.
: This is used to define figures (see Section 4.3). Recognizes the following attributes:caption:
caption: specify the caption of a figure..wide
: if the classwide
is set, the figure will span the width of a page in a two-column format (used in LaTeX).page-align:
): specify the alignment of the figure in a page (used for LaTeX output).forcehere
corresponds to theh!
specifier in LaTeX, whileinplace
. If you need even more customization, you can set the specifier in LaTeX explicitly using thetex-float-placement
: Specify mathematical equations. See Section 4.10 for its usage. -
: Generic LaTeX snippets, see Section 4.10.5. -
: Used for writing bibliography entries by hand. See Section 4.12 for more information. -
: Used for notes, remarks, and proofs. -
: Defines the abstract of an article. -
: A block with a solid border. Use thetight
attribute to suppress a paragraph block around its content. -
: A block that centers its contents horizontally on the page. -
: PutColumn
blocks inside aColumns
block, to typeset block elements next to each other on a page. Use thewidth
attribute to control the width of each column. -
: A block for raw TeX content that is passed directly to LaTeX. -
: Starts an explicit section. In the HTML5 backend expands to a<section>
element. This is mainly used inside presentations usingreveal.js
. -
: Expand to the corresponding HTML5 elements. -
: A block with raw HTML content that is pasted directly into the HTML output. This is normally not needed since you can just start including HTML elements directly as part of markdown input. -
: A markdown block that is only processed for LaTeX output (and not shown in HTML output). -
: A markdown block that is only processed for Html output (and not shown in LaTeX output). -
: A block with preformatted math (Section 4.10.7). -
: A block with LaTeX math definitions (Section 4.10.3). -
: Each of these blocks is individually numbered and starts with the block name in bold. All of these can take acaption
attribute. For example:~ Lemma {#LeftCosetsDisjoint; caption: "Left co-sets are disjoint"; } Let $H$ be a subgroup of a group $G$, and let $x$ and $y$ be elements of $G$. Suppose that $xH \cap yH$ is non-empty. Then $xH = yH$. ~ ~ Proof { caption: "Of Lemma [#leftcosetsdisjoint]" } Let $z$ be some element of $xH \cap yH$. Then $z = xa$ for some $a \in H$, and $z = yb$ for some $b \in H$. If $h$ is any element of $H$ then $ah \in H$ and $a^{-1}h \in H$, since $H$ is a subgroup of $G$. But $zh = x(ah)$ and $xh = z(a^{-1}h)$ for all $h \in H$. Therefore $zH \subset xH$ and $xH \subset zH$, and thus $xH = zH$. Similarly $yH = zH$, and thus $xH = yH$, as required. &qed; ~
Lemma 1. (Left co-sets are disjoint)
Let be a subgroup of a group , and let and be elements of . Suppose that is non-empty. Then .Proof. (Of Lemma 1) Let be some element of . Then for some , and for some . If is any element of then and , since is a subgroup of . But and for all . Therefore and , and thus . Similarly , and thus , as required. □
Of course, each of the predefined blocks can be customized further using attributes and rules. For example, by including the following metadata rule, we can typeset proofs with Proof in an italic style instead of bold:
Proof { before: "[_Proof_. ]{.proof-before}" }
#4.14. Special block elements
Madoko supports some special block elements that get expanded automatically.
: Expands to a title element generated from the metadata keys title, subtitle, title date and author info (author, affiliation, and email). In the LaTeX backend this will invoke the\maketitle
command. -
: Expands to a table of contents. See also Section 4.11. -
: Expands to the defined footnotes. If there are footnotes and this element is not present, the footnotes are automatically included at the end of the document. In the LaTeX backend, footnotes always appear at page footers. -
: Expands to the contents of file. Include elements are processed before any other processing happens and can for example be used to include meta data elements.[INCLUDE="presentation"]
Include files are first searched relative to the current directory, then the directory of the input file, followed by the output directory, and finally the
directory in the installation directory of Madoko. The default file extension is.mdk
element can also be used to include parts of a file, see Section 4.14.1 for more information. -
: Includes the bibliography entry file (.bbl
) generated by BibTex. Internally expands to:~ Begin TeX [INCLUDE="myfile.bbl"] ~ End TeX
See also Section 4.12.
#4.14.1. Advanced: including file fragments
The full syntax of the INCLUDE
element is:
where the range is either a fragment name or line range. For example we can include part of file by using:
which would include lines 10 to 18, and all lines starting at line 20
from foo.hs
. Of course remembering line ranges can be error prone, so
we can also give names to fragments of files and use those to refer to
them. For example, we may have code samples in foo.hs
-- BEGIN:Var
-- BEGIN:Syntax
data Exp = Number Int
| Add Exp Exp
| Subtract Exp Exp
| Multiply Exp Exp
| Divide Exp Exp
-- END:Syntax
| Variable String;
-- END:Var
evaluate :: Exp -> Int
evaluate (Number i) = i
evaluate (Add a b) = evaluate a + evaluate b
evaluate (Subtract a b) = evaluate a - evaluate b
evaluate (Multiply a b) = evaluate a * evaluate b
evaluate (Divide a b) = evaluate a `div` evaluate b
Where the BEGIN
name and END
name delimit file fragments. Note that
the fragments can be nested and/or overlapping. If a fragment is not ended,
it will run until the end of the file. When fragments are included,
and fragment begin/end lines are replaced by empty lines.
We can now include particular fragments as:
for example. Sometimes, it can be a hassle to always mention the full file name. In that case, we can first do a few empty includes of all the needed files (so Madoko knows the fragment names), and then just use the fragment names directly, e.g. first an empty include at the start of the document by using line number 0:
and later in the document, we can refer to fragments in that file using:
The delimiters for fragments are always 'start (BEGIN
) name' where
start includes most of the usual comment characters, namely,
, --
, <!--
, (*
, #
, and %
. If you need some other sequence, you can
customize this using the Fragment Start
and Fragment End
metadata keys.
For example, the default is set as:
Fragment Start: ^(?:\/\/|--|[#%]|[<]!--|\(\*) *BEGIN *: *(\w+) *(?:--[>]|\*\))?$
Fragment End : ^(?:\/\/|--|[#%]|[<]!--|\(\*) *END *\
(?:[:] *(\w+) *)?(?:--[>]|\*\))?$
#5. Syntax: Metadata and Styling
#5.1. Metadata
Similar to multimarkdown, a document can begin with a special metadata section that contains meta information like the document title, the author, etc. Moreover, this section can contain attribute rules to globally apply attributes to certain elements, much like CSS rules.
Metadata must come immediately as the first thing in a document, and consists of keys followed by a colon and then the key value. A key value can span multiple lines by indenting, and you can leave blank lines between different keys.
Title : An overview of Madoko
Author : Daan Leijen
Affiliation : Microsoft Research
Email : daan@microsoft.com
Logo : False
Embed : False
In general, metadata keys are not case-sensitive. The values
, clear
, false
, and the empty value are all equivalent for
boolean or numeric keys.
#5.1.1. Special metadata keys
Any metadata key and value can be given (and referred to using entity names), but certain keys have special meaning to Madoko.
: The title of the document. For example, in HTML output it determines the<title>
element. It is also used by the special[TITLE]
element (Section 4.14). -
: An optional subtitle. -
Title Note
: A general note about the document. Used in the[TITLE]
element where it is put below the title and authors.Title Note: Draft, &date; (version 1.0)
Title Footer
: A general footer that is placed below the title and authors. -
,Author Note
: the author name, address, affiliation, email, and general note. There can be multiple authors. The author info is also used by the[TITLE]
element to generate a proper document title header. The authors are also written to the author<meta>
tag. In the case of multiple authors, the address, affiliation, author note, and email always belong to the last defined author. If you define multipleAddress
entries for one author, they are placed above each other. -
Title Running
,Authors Running
: Used for certain LaTeX styles as the running title and authors displayed at the top of each page. By default the full title and list of authors are used. -
Author Columns
(=3): The number of columns used for the authors. Only relevant if there are more than 3 authors used. -
Toc depth
(=3): The maximum depth of headings that are included in the table of contents (Section 4.11). -
Heading depth
(=3): The maximum depth of headings that are numbered (Section 5.5). Set it to zero to suppress numbering of headings completely. -
Heading base
(=2): Usually, a top heading (# heading
) maps to a<h2>
element in HTML and LaTeX respectively. By changing theHeading Base
you can change this mapping. For example, by using:Heading Base: 1
the top headings will map to
elements instead. -
Section Depth
(=0): Maximal heading level where<section>
elements are wrapped around the content. The default value ensures no section wrapping takes place. -
Section Base
(=1): All headings atSection Base
and lower are treated as equal for the purpose of wrapping<section>
elements around the content. This is especially useful for presentations where we would like to start slides equally for headings at level 1 and 2 (see Appendix A.2). -
: Specify a bibliography (.bib
) file to be used by the BibTeX tool to generate a list of references (see Section 4.12).Bib: ../mybibliography.bib
Bib Style
orBiblio Style
(=plain): Specify a BibTeX style that is used to format the list of references. See Section 4.12.1 for more information.Bib Style: plainnat
Madoko.net: When leaving out the extension, Madoko assumes this is a standard bibliography style (available from CTAN). If an extension (.bst
) is given, the file is loaded (or created) from the current directory. -
Csl Style
: Specify a Citations Language Style (CSL) that is used to format references. This takes precedence over aBib Style
since CSL styles are generally more up-to-date and often have better localization.Csl Style: ieee
Madoko.net: When leaving out the extension and directory, Madoko assumes this is a standard bibliography style and will automatically download it from the CSL style repository.
Also, CSL styles will be handled completely client-side without the need for a server roundtrip. -
(=english): Specify the document locale, either by the language name (german
), or as language identifier (likeen-US
). Currently not used by Madoko but it is used when generating bibliographies using a CSL style for that locale. -
Cite Style
(=numeric): Specify the citation style used for citations, natural, _textual, super, or numeric. See Section 4.12.2 for more information. -
Cite All
(=false): Set toTrue
to cite everything in the included bibliography files. -
(=bibtex): The command to run the BibTeX tool. Set it tofalse
to suppress running BibTeX (for example, where writing bibliography entries by hand (see Section A.4)) -
Pdf Latex
): The command used to generate a PDF when the--pdf
command line flag is present. -
): The command used to generate a DVI when necessary (e.g. when generating plain math with PNG images) -
Fragment Start
,Fragment End
: Used to specify file fragment delimiters, see Section 4.14.1. -
): Set toFalse
to suppress the “Document generated by Madoko.net” message at the end of the document. -
): Specify the standard prelude style that is always included. -
: Make explicit that a certain file or image is referenced by this document.Madoko.net: This is useful in the online editor if the inclusion of the file is not apparent to Madoko. This can happen for example in LaTeX class files that reference images, or image references inside HTML attributes. -
Line No
): Specify the starting line number used for errors and warnings. Usually, the generated HTML and LaTeX will contain these line numbers to track back errors to the original sources. Setline-no
to suppress line number generation. -
Pretty Align
): The number of spaces needed to align code in.pretty
The following keys are not used as this moment but have a standard meaning:
: Copyright information. Written to the copyright<meta>
: License for this document. Written to the license<meta>
: A list of document keywords. Written to the keywords<meta>
: A short description of the document. Written to the description<meta>
: General comments.Revision
: Revision of the document.Phone
: Phone number of an author.
#5.1.2. HTML keys
Some keys are only interpreted for HTML output:
: Specify a CSS file that needs to be included in HTML output. There can be many CSS keys present.Css: lib/main.css Css: http://foo.com/bar.css Css: http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans
Css: clear
to clear the list of CSS files. This can be used for example to not include the defaultmadoko.css
style file.Madoko.net: When not giving an extension or full path, Madoko will try to load the css file from the Madoko server's/style
directory. This is used for the standardmadoko.css
file. -
: Specify a Javascript file that needs to be included in the HTML output via a<script>
tag. There can be many script keys present.Script: lib/main.js
Madoko.net: Usually, scripts are not loaded in the preview as this may lead to performance problems. You can use thepreview
class to signify that the script should be loaded in the preview too:Script: reveal.js {.preview}
): The file size limit in kilobytes up to which local data is directly embedded into the HTML, this includes CSS style files, Javascript files, and images. Set it to0
to never embed anything, and high enough to always embed. -
: Specify content included in a<meta>
tag. There can be many meta tags specified.HTML Meta: http-equiv="refresh" content="30"
Use the value
to clear the list of meta tags. This can be used for example to exclude the defaultviewport
meta tag that is emitted for proper viewing on mobile devices. -
HTML Header
: The value is included literally in the<head>
section of the HTML document. -
HTML Footer
: The value is included literally at the end of the HTML document. -
CSS Header
: The value is included literally in a<style>
element in the<head>
section of the HTML document. -
JS Header
: Literal Javascript that is included in a<script>
element in the<head>
section of the HTML document. -
JS Footer
: Literal Javascript that is included in a<script>
element at end of the HTML document. -
Math Mode:
): The mathematics rendering mode is eitherstatic
. You can set theMath Mode
to set the mode todynamic
. In static mode, you can use the following keys to fine-tune the rendering:-
Math Dir:
dir (=math
): The directory relative to the output directory where Madoko stores the images for the math formulas. All math images can also be embedded in the web page if you setMath Embed
high enough. -
Math Embed:
size (=512
): Limit in kilobytes at which images are embedded in the HTML page instead of separate.svg
) images. Set it to0
to never embed an image, and high enough to always embed. -
Math Scale:
scale: Scaling in percentage used for all math. The default looks quite good for most fonts, but you may want to change it depending on the main font used. The default used is&Math Scale Svg;
(105) for SVG math images, and&Math Scale Png
(108) for PNG images. -
Math Latex:
cmd: The command used to invoke LaTeX when rendering plain math. When extracting SVG it defaults to&Pdf Latex;
and when extracting PNG to&Latex;
. -
Math Latex Full:
cmd: The command used to invoke LaTeX when rendering math that requires a PDF; defaults to&Pdf Latex;
. -
Math Render
,Math Render Full
): Determines whether to generate scalable vector graphics (svg
) for mathematics or hi-resolution bitmaps (png
). The SVG images look much better in general and scale automatically to any size.When generating a SVG the following options are available:
Math Scale Svg:
scale (=105
): Scaling in percentage used for math extract to a SVG images. The default looks quite good for most fonts, but you may want to change it depending on the main font used.Math Svg Precision
): Number of decimal digits of precision in the image (as a fraction of apt
). Increasing this makes the paths more precise but can increase the final size of the generated HTML.Math Svg Share Paths
): If true, Madoko will share all common graphics paths among different math formulas. This can compress the size of the final HTML significantly since every individual glyph inside formulas will only be defined once.Math Svg Use Fonts
): When true, all the text in a math formula will be included as text with a proper font reference. When false, each font glyph is statically traced as graphics path; the latter is less efficient but portable across systems even if fonts are not available. At at this time (2015) most browsers usually do not have good direct font usage support and it usually comes out looking quite bad. For example, compare (traced) versus(use fonts).
cmd (=dvisvgm
): Specify thedvisvgm
program used to generatesvg
's from a.dvi
) file. Madoko requires at least version 1.16 ofdvisvgm
to work correctly; if Madoko finds a lower version it switches automatically the rendering mode to PNG. It is highly recommended to download the latest version ofdvisvgm
when possible at the dvisvgm website where versions are available for Linux, MacOSX, and MikTeX. For Windows with TexLive 2016 you can extract an executable from the w32tex.org website. Since this is somewhat involved, you can also download a pre-compiled binary (win32,v2.1.3) from the Madoko website and put it in thec:\texlive\2016\bin\win32
folder.Math Dpi:
dpi (=300
): Does not apply directly to scalable vector graphics since these can render at any scale. However, this setting is still taken into account for rebuilding all mathematics. By changing the value a little you can force rebuilding all math.
When generating
images, the following options apply:Math Dpi:
dpi (=300
): The resolution at which the images are rendered. The default is a fairly high resolution. Decrease it to make the generated images smaller. Use the-vv
flag to see the sizes of all the images generated for formulas.
Note: you can also use this setting to easily rebuild all the mathematics in your document by changing the value little bit.Math Scale Png:
scale (=108
): Scaling in percentage used for math extract to a.png
image. The default looks quite good for most fonts, but you may want to change it depending on the main font used.Convert:
cmd (=convert
): Specify ImageMagick's convert command that is executed for images that are generated from PDF output. By default, any full math usesconvert
to extract from PDF.Dvipng:
cmd (=dvipng
): The command used to extract.png
images from the.dvi
files generated by LaTeX. By default, any plain math is processed usinglatex
and usesdvipng
to extract images.Dvips:
cmd: These commands are used for full math if the keyMath Latex Full
is set to plainlatex
in which case Madoko needs to extract a PDF from the DVI file.
The following keys are used when math mode is dynamic:
(=false): Set this key to the path of your MathJaX script. Set this key toTrue
to include the standard secure script to the latest MathJaX installation on the CDN network.MathJax: True
MathJax Ext
: requires that theMathJax
is key is set. Adds a MathJaX extension to the loaded scripts. See Section A.5 for more information.
#5.1.3. LaTeX keys
For LaTeX output, the following keys are relevant:
Document Class
orDoc Class
(=book): Specify the LaTeX document class. Can be prefixed with its options using square brackets:Document Class: [9pt]article
Madoko.net: When leaving out the extension, Madoko assumes this is a standard LaTeX document class (available from CTAN). If an extension is given, the file is loaded (or created) from the current directory. -
: Specify a LaTeX package that is included via\usepackage
. The package name can be prefixed with its options using square brackets.Package: fancyhdr Package: [colorlinks=true]hyperref
If the package name ends with
and has no options, it will be included using the\input
command instead. You can clear the package list usingPackage: clear
. This can be used to not include the defaultmadoko2.sty
package.Sometimes, a package does not work when typesetting mathematics in plain LaTeX. This can happen for example if the rest of the document needs a package that only loads in some other latex engine, like XeLaTeX. In that case, you can exclude the package when typesetting basic math by using the star option:
Package*: pgfplots
Madoko.net: When leaving out the extension, Madoko assumes this is a standard LaTeX package (available from CTAN). If an extension is given, the file is loaded (or created) from the current directory. -
Tex Header
: The value is included as is before the\begin{document}
command of the LaTeX output. -
Tex Header*
: The value is included as is before the\begin{document}
command of the LaTeX output but excluded when rendering basic mathematics. -
Tex Doc Header
: The value is included as is right after the\begin{document}
command of the LaTeX output. -
Tex Doc Header*
: The value is included as is right after the\begin{document}
command of the LaTeX output but excluded when rendering basic mathematics. -
): IfTrue
, the\maketitle
command is used to typeset the title and authors instead of using the standard Madoko styling. -
Bib Label:
) (=False
): Signifies how the bibliography items are labeled by By default the label is suppressed. By settingBib Label
, the default is used.Keep
resets the bibliography label to the default definition whileHide
suppresses the label but keeps the whitespace. Some styles and packages in require sometimes one these variants. For example, the standardLIPiCS
style in Madoko.net usesBib Label: True
to render the bibliography item labels in the right style required byLIPiCS
document class.
#5.1.4. Conditional metadata
Sometimes it is convenient to apply a certain metadata rule only for specific output formats or specific situations. For this you use a conditional block. For example, to only add a logo when generating HTML, you can say:
@if html {
Logo: True
You can standard CSS conditional rules. To make all subsections blue except when generating a PDF, you can say:
@if not tex {
h2 { color: blue }
Any metadata value can be referenced in the conditional expressions. Some useful entities are defined by Madoko by default:
when generating HTML output.tex
when generating LaTeX/PDF output.preview
when generating HTML in the Madoko.net preview.
You can also create your own metadata values, for example:
draft: True
@if not draft {
Todo { display: none }
#5.2. Entities
Madoko uses entities extensively. If Madoko finds an entity name (&
it looks up the name in various places: if there is a block
element with that id, the entity name is replaced by the label value of that block
(see Section 4.2). If there is no block with that identity,
Madoko looks if there is a metadata value with that name, and replaces the
entity name with its value:
The title of this document is "&title;".\
And this section has label &sec-entity;.\
Standard entities are looked up last Δ⇔δ.
The title of this document is “Madoko Reference”.
And this section has label 5.2.
Standard entities are looked up last Δ⇔δ.
Entity names for labels and metadata values, can consist of letters, underscores, minus signs, and digits. In contrast to regular HTML entity names, Madoko compares the entity name for labels and metadata in a case-insensitive way.
Note that if label or metadata values contain themselves entities, these are
expanded recursively (up to a certain limit) which can provide a powerful abstraction
mechanism. For example, if we define a metadata value Title2
Title2: (&Title;,&Title;)
then the entity &Title2;
expands to “(Madoko Reference,Madoko Reference)”.
If entity names are used inside attributes, Madoko first
looks for the name as one of the attribute key values. For example, you can
use names like &id;
, &class;
, and &label;
Some predefined metadata keys are quite useful as entities:
. The current (compilation) date in ISO 8601 international format.&time;
. The current (compilation) time in ISO 8601 international format.&year;
. The current year, month, and day.&hours;
. The current hours, minutes, and seconds.&madoko-version
. The version of the Madoko compiler.&docname;
. The file name of the document without extension and directory.&filename;
. The full file name of the document.⪚
. Expands to “e.g.” (“exempli gratia”, “for example”).&ie;
. Expands to “i.e.” (“id est”, “that is” or “in other words”).&etal;
. Expands to “et al.” (“et alii”, “and others”).&logotex;
. Expands to “”.&logolatex;
. Expands to “”.&logolatexe;
. Expands to “”.&logobibtex;
. Expands to “”.
There are also a few special entity names:
. Expands to the newline character.&br;
. Expands to a forced line break (i.e.<br>
. Expands to an empty string.&source;
. Inside attributes, expands to the literal content of the element.&&;
. Expands to the literal&
character. This is necessary sometimes since entity expansion is done recursively without regard for other formatting attributes. For example, if you have a metadata valueFoo
that needs to expand to`&`
, you would need to write it as:
or otherwise theFoo: `&&;amp;`
part would get expanded even within the back ticks. The reason why Madoko expands regardless of other formatting is to allow powerful abstraction where we can for example build up regular expressions from smaller parts.
For some examples of the usage of these elements, see Sections 5.6 and 5.5.2.
#5.3. CSS Attributes and Styling
Writing Madoko documents is clearly about content: the main advantage of using a markdown format is that it allows the writer to concentrate on prose and content instead of formatting. However, in the final stages it is desirable to style a document to make it look good. This section describes some tricks and tips that can help doing this well.
#5.3.1. CSS Attributes
An essential addition of Madoko is good support for attributes. The syntax is like CSS attributes and denoted between curly braces:
{ key: value; key: value }
Moreover, there are two convenient shorthands for names (id:name
) and classes
using a #
and .
{ .class; #id; key: value }
For most block elements, like lists, paragraphs, block quotes, etc, you can write attributes on the line directly following the block. For list items, the attributes directly follow the item:
This is a paragraph in small-caps.
{ font-variant: small-caps}
* {color: navy} This is a 'mylist'
* in italics
{ .mylist; font-style: italic }
This is a paragraph in small-caps.
- This is a ‘mylist’
- in italics
For fenced code blocks, custom blocks, and headers, the attributes are specified on the first line.
For inline elements, you can follow links, images, code, and bracketed text (between
and ]
) with attributes. Bracketed text with attributes become a <span>
the HTML backend.
It is of course recommended to put attributes when possible in
link or image definitions themselves:
Here is an ![butterfly] image.
With [bold]{font-weight:bold} text, and even the
T[E]{vertical-align: -0.5ex; margin-left: -0.25ex; \
margin-right: -0.25ex}X
[butterfly]: images/butterfly-200.png { width: 100px; vertical-align: top }
Here is an image.
With bold text, and even the
Note that inside attributes, and also metadata values, a backslash followed by a newline acts as a line joiner and removes the newline and the following whitespace before processing the attributes. This is convenient when defining long strings inside attributes. For example, if a figure has a long caption, we could write it as:
~ Figure { #myfigure; \
caption: "Here is a really \
long caption." }
To get a literal line break inside an attribute string, use the entity &nl;
#5.3.2. CSS formatting support
Attributes that are not special to Madoko (as described in Section 5.3.7), are passed as CSS style attributes in the HTML backend. For the LaTeX backend, Madoko processes many CSS formatting commands and translates them to appropriate LaTeX commands (and ignores all others). Currently formatting commands that are recognized across backends are:
: (block
: [auto
| length | percentage]{1,4}margin-left
: [auto
| length | percentage]{1,4}padding-left
: length | percentage |auto
: length | percentage |auto
: (top
| length)border
: [width] [style] [color] (in any order)border-style
: (none
: lengthborder-left-width
: colorborder-left-color
: length [length]border-top-left-radius
: color.background-clip
: colortext-align
: (center
: lengthline-height
: lengthfont-style
: (italic
: (small-caps
: (bold
| number)font-size
: (xx-small
| length | percentage)font-family
: (monospace
| family)float:
). Limited support at this time in LaTeX.list-style-type
| penalty. In PDF output,auto
is interpreted as a good page break (\goodbreak
) and penalty is passed to the LaTeX\penalty
The following attributes are supported on images only:
: fraction | percentagetransform-scale
: fraction | percentagetransform-rotate
: angle. Anti-clockwise rotation in degrees.
Some attributes are only applied during PDF output:
. Makes the box breakable over a page.height-align
. Vertical alignment of the content in a fixed height box.baseline
. Placement of the baseline of a box.page-align
: (top
). Used for float placement in LaTeX forFigure
custom blocks (see Section 4.13.1).
#5.3.3. CSS font family
A font family is a comma separated list of fonts. In LaTeX,
any font that starts with tex-
is processed before any
other fonts. There are the following ways to specify the font:
: The standard CSS fonts. -
scale]: Specify an exact LaTeX font to use.- encoding: Optional LaTeX font encoding, for example
. - family: The LaTeX font family code, for example
for Computer Modern. Some codes can be found at Wikipedia. - series: Optional, one of
(bold), orbx
(extra bold). - shape: Optional, one of
(small-caps), orbf
(bold-face). - scale: Optional, fraction to scale the font, for example
For example, to typeset code fragments in HTML with Consolas and in PDF output using the beramono fonts (=
), you can specify a metadata rule:pre,code { font-family: Consolas, "tex-family-T1/fvm/0.81"; }
- encoding: Optional LaTeX font encoding, for example
cmd: Specify a LaTeX command to use, for exampletex-cmd-sffamily
. -
font options]
]: Specify a general system font to be used in LaTeX only. You can pass the\fontspec
font options between square brackets. For example:font-family: "tex-Consolas[Scale=2,PunctuationSpace=3]"
. -
fontname: In all other cases the name is directly passed to the
command. If using the defaultxelatex
any system font can be used this way.~ { font-family: Georgia } This is in the Georgia font. ~
This is in the Georgia font.
#5.3.4. CSS colors
A color can be standard named color or use any of the CSS color formats, namely:
) wherexx
is hexadecimal, e.g.#0000FF
where each component is a number between 0 and 255, or a percentage, e.g.rgb(50%,50%,100%)
is an angle between 0 and 360, ands
percentages. Use50%
for the default lightness, e.g.hsl(240,100%,80%)
The recognized named colors are any of the standard CSS Level 4 colors. For example, the basic CSS colors are shown in Figure 6.
Name | Hex value | Color |
Red | #FF0000 | |
Lime | #00FF00 | |
Blue | #0000FF | |
Yellow | #FFFF00 | |
Cyan,Aqua | #00FFFF | |
Magenta,Fuchsia | #FF00FF | |
Maroon | #800000 | |
Green | #008000 | |
Navy | #000080 | |
Olive | #808000 | |
Teal | #008080 | |
Purple | #800080 | |
Orange | #FFA500 | |
Black | #000000 | |
DimGray | #696969 | |
Gray | #808080 | |
DarkGray | #A9A9A9 | |
Silver | #C0C0C0 | |
LightGray | #D3D3D3 | |
White | #FFFFFF | |
Gainsboro | #DCDCDC | |
FloralWhite | #FFFAF0 | |
Ivory | #FFFFF0 | |
If you would like to use another named color that is not part of the CSS named colors, you can often just define an entity in the metadata:
MyIndigo: #4B0088
and use Madoko's expansion to use it inside an attribute:
This is "[MyIndigo]{color: &MyIndigo;}".
This is "MyIndigo".
#5.3.5. Complex CSS Layout
In general, it is hard to emulate a complex CSS layout in LaTeX so some particular combinations may not work as expected in LaTeX. We strive to make it work seamlessly though so please report any issues. Nevertheless, the above formatting commands should suffice in most situations and we can program already many fancy examples:
[h]{vertical-align:-5ex}**]{font-size:large; height:0pt }
he shouted but not even the next
one in line noticed that something
terrible had happened to him.
{ width: 18em; border: solid 1px black; \
padding: 1ex; background-color: FloralWhite }
Aaaaa aa r g h he shouted but not even the next one in line noticed that something terrible had happened to him.
This is rendered in LaTeX as shown by the following snippet:
The following example shows a complex box layout with background clipping and elliptical borders:
Here is the content of a complicated box with back­ground clipping
and elliptical borders with smooth transitions.
{ margin-right:6em; \
padding:1.5em; \
background-color:floralwhite; \
background-clip: padding-box; \
border: 0.75ex solid black; \
border-radius: 4ex; \
border-top-left-radius: 8ex; \
border-left-width: 1.5ex; \
border-left-color: teal; \
border-right-style: double; \
width: 22.2em;\
Here is the content of a complicated box with background clipping and elliptical borders with smooth transitions.
This is rendered in LaTeX as shown by the following snippet:
#5.3.6. Floating blocks
There is limited support for the float
attribute but it is generally quite hard
to emulate this well in LaTeX. However, one can use the float
attribute to put
figures or general custom blocks on the left- or right-side of a page and have
text flow around it. For example:
~ Figure { caption:"A formula"; width:60%; float:left; margin-right:1em }
~~ Math
e = mc^2
"Aarghhh", he shouted but not even the next
one in line noticed that something
terrible had happened to him.
"Aarghhh", he shouted but not even the next
one in line noticed that something
terrible had happened to [him.]{float:right}
“Aarghhh”, he shouted but not even the next one in line noticed that something terrible had happened to him. “Aarghhh”, he shouted but not even the next one in line noticed that something terrible had happened to him.
Note that it is important to give a specific width when specifying float
Also, in LaTeX, the height of the text flowing around the float is not always
correct (especially if the text contains mathematics). To fine-tune the appearance
in LaTeX, one can use the tex-wrap-lines
key to give the height of the float figure in
text lines. Internally, Madoko uses the wrapfigure
environment to render this.
You can customize this with the tex-wrap-env
key. When using wrapping, you can
also specify the key tex-float:
with the values inside
or outside
to wrap
to the inside or outside of a page.
Still the LaTeX command is fragile and generally works best when immediately
followed by a paragraph. Also, when using float
on inline elements, it is
implemented in LaTeX simply using \hfill
which works for most
common situations.
#5.3.7. Special attributes
Normally, attributes are always passed to LaTeX as is, and in the HTML passed as CSS attributes. However, you can use special prefixes to have them end up at other places:
name: use name as an HTML attribute only in the HTML backend. For example, you can usehtml-target=_top
for links inside frames.css-
name: use name as a CSS attribute only in the HTML backend. For example, you can usecss-font-family=Cambria
for setting a font family only in the web page.tex-
name: use name as an attribute only in the LaTeX backend.data-
name: in the HTML backend uses a HTML attributedata-
name instead of a CSS style attribute. Passed to LaTeX as is.
Some attributes have a special meaning to Madoko. In particular:
: Iftrue
suppresses enclosing the first text content in this block as a paragraph. This is used for example for aBibItem
: Iffalse
suppresses the output of adiv
tag (or LaTeX environment) for a custom block.toc
: Used for generating custom table of contents. Used for example by headings. See Section 4.11 for more information.before
, andafter
: Used to transform the content of the block. See Section 5.6.start:
num: Gives the start number for an ordered list (Section 4.4).target:
frame: Gives the HTML frame target for a link.math-needpdf
: Iftrue
, forces thepdf
conversion method for an equation (instead of usingdvi
). This is needed when using fancy LaTeX math using TikZ for example.snippet-needpdf
: Iffalse
, uses thedvi
conversion method for a snippet (instead of usingpdf
). This can improve performance of image extraction. (Section 4.10.6).html-elem=
elem: Use elem as the HTML element instead ofdiv
for block and inline elements respectively.id:
id: Sets the id of an element. Usually this is done using a hash name directly as#
classes: Adds to the classes of this element. Usually set using a dot name as in.
class. If you useclass=clear
, the classes are cleared. Similarly, you can use.
to remove one particular class.label:
label: Sets the label of an element. This is used when referencing this block as explained in Section 4.2caption:
caption: Sets the caption of figure as explained in Section 4.3.breakable:
). Specifies if a block element can be broken across multiple pages. For example, for tables the LaTeX backend will use thelongtable
environment instead of the regulartabular
environment (which cannot break across pages).cite-label:
label: Sets the citation label of anBibItem
block. This is used when referencing a bibliography item as explained in Section 4.12cite-style:
style: Sets the citation style for a citation (Section 4.12.2).tex-wrap-lines:
lines: Set the height of a float figure to lines height (Section 5.3.6).sticky
: The attributes for this element will stick to apply to all of the same elements that follow in the document.-
: clear any attributes that have been set before (usually through metadata rules).input:
input. Sets the input mode of this block which determines how the content of this block is processed. One of:pre
: Preformatted code (Section 4.8).raw
: Raw unprocessed input that is passed directly to the output.texraw
: Raw TeX code that is passed directly to LaTeX (SeeTeXRaw
: Raw HTML code that is passed directly to the HTML output (SeeHtmlRaw
: LaTeX mathematics mode input. This input is usually invoked through anEquation
block as described in Section 4.10.mathpre
: Preformatted LaTeX mathematics. This input is usually invoked through aMathPre
block (Section 4.10.7).mathdefs
: LaTeX math definitions. This input is usually invoked through aMathDefs
block (Section 4.10.3).normal
: Regular Madoko markdown input (default).texonly
: Regular Madoko markdown that is only processed when generating LaTeX output. Usually used through theTexOnly
block (Section 4.13).htmlonly
: Regular Madoko markdown that is only processed when generating HTML output. Usually used through theHtmlOnly
block (Section 4.13).
See also the special attributes used for custom LaTeX styling in Section A.7.
#5.3.8. Special attribute classes
Some class attributes are treated specially by Madoko. In particular:
. This class is set on the<body>
element in the preview and can be used to style elements differently in the preview versus the full document..para-block
. If a block element has the.para-block
class, it will considered part of the preceding paragraph (and not end that paragraph). This is for example done for theEquation
block since equations are part of a paragraph. This improves typography significantly, especially for the LaTeX backend. Madoko will also assign thepara-continue
class to the paragraph preceding a.para-block
: Normally, equations have a.para-block
class and are thus considered part of the paragraph. If you would like such block to be the end of a paragraph, you should assign the.para-end
class to end it explicitly. In the LaTeX backend this will cause the next paragraph to be indented..indent
. This class is automatically added by Madoko to any paragraph that follows other paragraphs or.para-block
s (and is not inside a list). This can be used to switch from block mode paragraphs to indented paragraphs using some CSS rules:p.indent { text-indent: 1em }
. These classes align the content of a block (instead of the block itself) to the center, right, or left..hidden
. Hides the content of the block..block
. Treat this as a block element instead of inline content. For example, in HTML output this will add a top and bottom margin to the element..wide
. Used forFigure
blocks: in a two-column output, this figure will span both columns horizontally (see also Section 4.13.1)..free
. These classes are used for typesetting citations (see Section 4.12.2)..list-star
. Used to customize appearance of bullets in a list..code
n: added to inline code elements where n is the number of back-quotes. This way you can add special styling to double quote inline code for example..pre-fenced
n: Added to fenced code blocks where n is the number back-quotes..pre-indented
: Added to indented code blocks..math-inline
: Added to inline math fragments..math-display
: Added to block math fragments.
#5.4. Metadata rules
Often, we need to apply specific attributes and formatting to certain elements
or custom blocks. This can be done using metadata rules. These rules
function much like regular CSS rules except that they are quite a bit more
limited. You can use a chain of an element name,
identifier (#
id), or class names (.
class) for matching. The value of
a rule are attributes that get applied to any matching block.
Here are some examples:
Blockquote { font-style: oblique }
.bold { font-weight: bold }
#myblock { border: 1px solid black }
This would typeset a block quotes in an oblique font, any block with
a bold
class in bold, and the block with the myblock
id with a solid border.
You can also use a comma separated list of matches that apply to all.
For example, we can give all code, inline or as a block, the class prettyprint
pre,code { .prettyprint }
p.indent, blockquote.indent { text-indent: 1em }
#5.4.1. Names of predefined elements
Most standard Madoko block elements, like lists or block quotes, can also be targeted by rules. Their element names are the standard HTML names, namely:
Element | Name |
Paragraph | p |
Code block | pre |
Code inline | code |
Code escaped text | code-escaped |
Block quote | blockquote |
List | ul |
Numbered list | ol |
List item | li |
Definition list | dl |
Definition term | dt |
Definition | dd |
Horizontal rule | hr |
Table | table |
Heading | h1 ,…,h6 |
Unnamed custom block | div |
Named custom block | name |
Note that every custom block blockname automatically also gets the class
blockname and is thus matched by both blockname and .
blockname rules.
This can be also be useful when applying styles in CSS rules.
Some standard elements also get standard class names assigned to make it easier to target them with specific rules:
Element | Class name |
Code block that was indented | .pre-indented |
Code block that was fenced | .pre-fenced |
Code block with n back-quotes | .pre-fenced n |
Code inline with n back-quotes | .code n |
Math inline | .math-inline |
Math block | .math-display |
List using * | .list-star |
List using + | .list-plus |
List using - | .list-dash |
For example, you could specify that any indented code blocks should use the javascript syntax highlighter:
.pre-indented { language:javascript }
Or typeset double-quoted inline code (i.e. ``code``
) with a gray background:
.code2 { background-color: gainsboro }
#5.4.2. Advanced: Styling in CSS
Sometimes we only want to apply certain styling to just HTML.
For HTML, styling through classes works best: we can simply write some CSS
(and include it through the Css
or Css Header
metadata or directly within <style>
tags.). For example,
.slanted { font-style: oblique; font-family: Cambria }
Note that any custom block in Madoko (like ~ Slanted
) automatically gets
assigned the class name slanted
and can thus be matched easily in CSS.
For styling in LaTeX, or when certain CSS keys are not yet processed in LaTeX, see Appendix A.7.
#5.5. Numbering
For larger documents, numbering sections, figures, tables, images, etc. is
quite important and Madoko supports this well. By default, Madoko will number
headers, figures, and equations. Numbering for headers is by default up to 3
levels, but it can be set for the document using the Heading depth
variable. If it is set to zero, it suppresses numbering for headings completely:
Heading Depth: 0
#5.5.1. Advanced: Custom numbering
The numbering can be completely customized though. Counters are introduced
using @
name syntax in attributes. When such counter name occurs, it is
automatically incremented. If the value of a label contains a counter name,
it is replaced by its current value. For example, the default attributes for
equations contain:
{ @equation; label:"(@equation)" }
This automatically will increment the @equation
counter at each occurrence of
an equation block element, and set its label to the current value surrounded by
parenthesis. Similarly, the default label for main sections is defined as:
{ @h1; label:"@h1" }
Actually, Madoko automatically increments counters with the same name as the block,
so in the previous two cases, we should leave out @equation
and @h1
or we
do double increments.
Of course, for headers we like to display the label by default in front of the
header text. This can be done using the before attribute where
we use the &label;
key to insert the value of the label. So,
the full definition for level 1 headings is:
{ label:"@h1"; before:"&label;. " }
#5.5.2. Advanced: Reset counters
If a counter has a dash in its name, of the form @
, then the
counter will be reset on every increment of the counter prefix. For example,
the counter for subsections is reset on every new section (using metadata
h2 {
@h1-h2; label:"@h1.@h1-h2"; before:"&label;. ";
Similarly, a counter like @h1-h2-h3
would reset on every increment of
counter @h1
or @h1-h2
#5.5.3. Advanced: Display format
The counters above are displayed as arabic numbers but sometimes we would like to display a number using other formats. When you assign a single letter to a counter, it will continue counting using letters. This is nice for example when starting the appendix where each section is generally numbered using letters:
# Appendix (not numbered at all) {-}
# Section one of the appendix { @h1:"A" }
This section will be numbered as 'A'
# Another appendix section
This section will be numbered as 'B'
The display format of a counter can also be set independently of setting its
value. Currently, Madoko supports arabic
, arabic0
, lower-case
, lower-roman
, upper-roman
, lower-greek
, upper-greek
, symbolic
, circled-decimal
, disc
, square
, circle
, dash
, and
. The style arabic0
starts counting at 0.
Assigning a single letter, like @h1:"A"
in the previous example is
just a shorthand for:
{ @h1:upper-alpha; @h1:1 }
As a final example, suppose we would like to count figures using lower-case letters and per section. We can do this by defining the default attributes for figures as a metadata rule:
Figure {
@h1-figure:lower-alpha; @h1-figure; label:"@h1\/-@h1-figure";
The label definition here displays figure labels of the form 2-b
example (where we used the empty escape sequence \/
prevent the counter name @h1
being read as @h1-
). Note that because
this is a metadata rule, we could not use the assignment @h1-figure:"a"
here, or otherwise every figure would get numbered as a
. In this case
we just want to set the display mode here and not a specific value. Also
note that we still need to explicitly increment the counter too (using a
plain @h1-figure
) since just setting the display format does not
increment the counter.
#5.6. Advanced: Replacement
Madoko has three attributes that can transform the content of block or inline
element, namely before
, after
, and replace
. The before
and after
elements just add content before and after:
~ Myblock { before="*Myblock*: " after="." }
the content
Myblock: the content.
The replace
attribute replaces the entire content with its value. You can
have multiple replacers and they are all applied in order. The replacers can
be cleared using the special clear
value. Finally, all replacers can contain
entity names (Section 5.2) which are expanded. Useful entities are
which expands to the current content of the block (possibly having
already some replacers applied), and &nl;
which expands to a newline
character. In particular, before
and after
are defined in terms of
, where before=
value is just syntactic sugar for
and similarly for after
As an advanced example, for this document I defined a metadata rule for the
custom block that replaces its content by both a code block and a
regular markdown block. In a simplified form, it is defined as:
Sample {
replace:"~ Begin SampleBlock&nl;\
---- &nl;&source;&nl;\
~ End SampleBlock"
#5.6.1. Advanced: Regular expression replacement
A replace
attribute can also define a general regular expression replacement
of the form /
)?. The regular expression regex
is matched against the content, and a match is replaced by replacer. The options are:
: instead of just the first match, it will globally replace all matches found in the content.i
: use case-insensitive matching.m
: do a multi-line match where^
match the beginning and end of each line respectively instead of just the start and end of the content.c
: do case conversion; enlarges valid escape characters with one ofluLUE
which can be used to do case conversion, see the next section for more information.
Inside the replacer we can use the following escape sequences:
digit: gets replaced by the digit capture group in regex.\/
: becomes a forward slash.\\
: becomes a single backward slash.
For example, here is an example where we replace <
text by
single guillemet quotes:
~ { replace="/<(.*?)>/‹\1›/g" }
Here is < quoted > text.
Here is ‹ quoted › text.
Case conversion
When we pass the c
flag, we can also use special case conversion escape sequences
in the replacer expression:
transform the following text up to the next\E
(or the end of the replacement) to upper- or lower-case respectively.\u
replace the following character to upper- or lower-case.
~ { replace="/(\w+)/\u\1/gc" }
all words to title-case.
All Words To Title-Case.
Mapping strings
The replace
attribute can also perform a mapping when it
has the form:
A mapping matches against the regular expression (
and when it finds a match on some group i, it applies the replacer repli.
The replacement expression can use capture groups as usual.
For example, we could device a greek or hiragana mode replacement. Here is a simplified example:
~ Greek { replace:"//a/α//d/δ//n/ν//g" }
greek daan.
~ Hiragana {replace:"//ko/こ//ni/に\
//g"; \
font-family: "MS Gothic"; }
konnichiha is Japa\nese.
greek δααν.
こんにちは is Japanese.
Note that the previous example generally needs a font-family
to display correctly in LaTeX since Japanese characters are not in the
standard font. See Appendix A.8 for more information.
#5.6.2. Advanced recursion and replacement
As more advanced example of recursion and replacement, we can actually
calculate fibonacci numbers. In the following sample, n number of
characters are replaced by fib(n) y
How many `y`'s is the Fibonacci of 5 `x`'s?
~ Fib
How many y
's is the Fibonacci of 5 x
This is done through the following metadata rule:
Fib {
The first replacer will replace a single optional x
with a y
. The second
one matches 2 or more x
's, and replaces these recursively by two new Fib
blocks: one with n-1 and one with n-2 x
characters. These blocks will
get processed now recursively. Finally, by using the tag:false
attribute we
suppress the inclusion of many div
elements in the HTML, while the tight
attribute suppresses the addition of paragraph elements.
This example shows the replacement facility of Madoko is quite powerful. It is even possible to define a generic SKI combinator expander which makes Madoko's replacement mechanism (almost) Turing complete5.
#A. Appendix
#A.1. Command line options
Generally Madoko is invoked on the command line as:
[options] files
where the options can consist of:
Short | Long | Description |
--version | Display version information. | |
-v | --verbose | Be more verbose. |
--odir= dir | Write output files to the specified directory (=out ) | |
--xmp | Only process markdown between <xmp> tags. | |
--tex | Output a LaTeX file too. | |
--pdf | Generate a PDF file (implies --tex ). | |
--texzip | Generate TeX zip for submission | |
--png | Use PNG instead of SVG for math in HTML | |
--convert-tex | Convert input from TeX to Markdown | |
-f | --fragment | Generate a fragment instead of a full document. |
--logo | Add a ‘Created with Madoko.net’ message. | |
--sandbox | Run in a sandbox for secure server execution. | |
--sanitize | Always escape or suppress user defined html. | |
--pedantic | Pedantic mode. | |
--bench | For benchmarking: turn off numbering, etc. | |
--installdir= dir | Set installation directory explicitly. | |
-r | --rebuild | Force rebuild bibliography, math, etc. |
--prelude= file | Include file at start of the document | |
-m key: val | --meta= key: val | Semi-colon separated list of metadata values |
All the boolean flags can be negated by prefixing them with no-
, for example
to suppress the logo message at the end of a document, use --no-logo
The verbose flag (-v
) can be repeated to become more verbose. For example,
by using -vv
LaTeX warnings and the size of math images are displayed.
Normally, Madoko writes the output files to the out
directory (relative
to the input file) but you can override this with the --odir
The HTML output for a file